Originally posted by Samwise
Ever feel like life\'s a rotten piece of mundane sh1t? Me neither... :eek:
Come on guys, I feel like some intellectual discussion. Morons need not apply. 
What\'s the point of living? Working your ass off so you can buy more crap, bigger things you don\'t need anyway? Is it suffering a lifetime so you can be a saint in heaven for eternity? Is it getting up every day, going to work, coming home spending the last hours of the day in front of the TV-altar where you don\'t need to think for yourself? Do you even think about this when walking around doing your daily routines like a zombie?
In other words - what makes you tick?
I had no idea what this thread was about, title is a bit vague;)
What is the point of living. Answer: To live.
Your life as it is right now is a result of the experience you have. The key to making it all work is to see it as something you can work with.
I keep going back to this only because it makes so much sense. Things are as they are as they will be. You can either choose to embrace it or fight it. I think it goes without saying that you will be in an eternal struggle if you fight it and that just isn\'t fun.
Take all that which you are and make it work. Dwell on that which you are not and EVERYTHING becomes a struggle.
Happiness can not be found in material things, they can not love back. You can love what you do by loving who you are, it\'s entirely satisfying. The end result is only as satisfying as the experience to get there.
Myself...I do believe in a higher power. As I said in another thread there is something that naturally drives you forward, it is your ability that you were given that you will only be able to see once you stop looking for it.
If it is natural, that which you are, your life will unfold as it was meant to...even if it does seem a bit odd at times.
Live it and learn.
So what did you do today? I lived and it was fun:)
EDIT: Just to hit on another subject. Fighting for what you believe in is not the way to go. It leads to oppresion and segregation...where we are now.
I don\'t understand why we can\'t leave well enough alone? If you indeed are meant to follow God or whatever higher power you believe in then you will naturally do so as it was meant.
To inflict your beliefs on someone else does nothing more than satisfy your ego. That\'s sin as I understand it.