Religion doesn\'t control me, God does.
No one can control another human being, only be an influence.
Sometimes I wonder about my future as well, the only thing promising is my band- when we practice together I know we have the skill, and determination. But I also know its almost futile to think we will be come popular, or release a big time CD.
I\'m 17 years old, and believe me the future is on my mind constantly.
In defense of SwifDi: At 17 years of age, a man can make up his mind. At 10 years of age a child can choose his path, its wisdom. Wisdom does not always come with age, it comes with experience. Age usually comes in hand with experience.
I also worry about some of my point of views; I am trying my best not to contradict myself, but human existance is a questionable state of mind. I do ask "Why?", but when I really start to think about it I just sit and relax and write music- Its human instinct to ask questions, but we can control it to a degree.