I write: "Maybe in your little nook of america. Anyone that I know that speaks English feels exactly how I do."
ANd you write:
Originally posted by SirMystiq
No, maybe it\'s because I live in a place where Spanish is the predominant language...
Way to dissagree agreeingly...
It is all based upon the people you are around and live near. That is why you feel like Spanish is a needed language. And it is for you because of where you live. Most of the country is English. I\'m willing to bet that if you polled english speaking people in the US, at least 90% of them would have no sympathy for Spanish speaking people who have lived in this country for a decent amount of time.
THe problem is that people come into this country and live in the pockets they are comfortable in. The spanish speaking communities.
They have no need to learn english. Here in Tampa most of the communities like this are vegetable pickers (Tomato, strawberry, orange, corn, squash, etc.)
THey just go from field to field making what money they can. They for the most part live in tiny rundown trailers packing 10+ people in 2 bedrooms.
Our taxes then give them stability by providing them welfare.
Then, what do they do with the money they earn picking? They don\'t put it back into the system. They send it to their families in MExico or wherever.
And before you get on your high horse. I KNOW THIS ISN\'T EVERY SINGLE SPANISH SPEAKING PERSON IN THE US!!!!
But, out of the pockets of people where they don\'t care to learn english, this is what is happening here.