Originally posted by Cyrus
17 and we know nothing about you really soooooo... I would say it would be youbest interset to do something fun that has nothing what so ever to do with Romance. You dont want to have premaritial sex or she doesnt Im not sure but stay away from anything that would feel like thats what you want. Something kiddie like goofy golfing take her to dinner at some cheezy resteraunt and then maybe goto circus cirus and watch the shows upstairs and a walk under the plane thing downtown. just whatever you do done do somthing romantic.... Romance suggests sex.
Basically, don\'t do anything at all. Because if you do something romantic, you are going to open her flood gates and your little guy can\'t say no under such pressure.
Then again, you\'ll also look back at this and wonder why you didn\'t at least try to lay her. She\'ll also wonder about it - so maybe you should try and do something romantic, thus suggesting sexual contact.
Remember kid\'s, oral sex doesn\'t count as sex. You\'re still a virgin!

I maintain that if you want to be romantic, something that you both have never done and something exciting is the way to go. I only suggested skydiving, because I know it\'s something I enjoy and from stories I\'ve heard, most women love it. Not to mention, neither of you will ever forget it and the rush you get from it, will give you a lot of confindence to make that big move (provided you want to). Then again, both of you being only seventeen makes it abit hard to get a dropzone to let you jump without a parental waiver.
Still, you get the idea. Something exciting. Get that rush goin\' for her and you. Then do the thumb in the pooper.