With all this said...Let Dr.Smooth let you listen to a story of sexual healing....
I was dating this girl, who will just be reffered to as "Crazy Bitch" in this story... I know she had a \'Winnie the Pooh\' obsession, more specfic, she collected anything that was based on the character \'Eyeor\' (spell check? The friggin\' donkey!). So, one day I simply bought a talking \'Eyeor\' doll, hid it behind the car seat, threw a jacket over it where she could not see it. While she was driving, I simply made it talk and it surprised her. She kept wondering what that muffled sound was (damn jacket...didn\'t go as planned). I finally pulled it out to her surprise. Guess what? The flood gates opened. Of course I screwed that one up later on when the lady known as \'Crazy Bitch\' asked me a question about if I was goin\' to marry someone, what would they be like..Natrually, I paniced and responded about not wanting to marry a hooker with three kids, but that is besides the point! Oh hell, I\'m not sure what the point was...
You get the idea..
Oh and never let Crazy Bitch borrow any of your important stuff. Namely socks, boxers or a Legend of Zelda: OOT. You\'ll never F**KIN\' GET THEM BACK!