Anyways, the night is over, it\'s 1:00 a.m. and I\'m tired to say the least. First let me state that I am the biggest moron ever for forgetting my digital camera, so no pictures. However, my girlfriend did manage to take a few pictures with her cell phone camera, but I do not have access to them, and the quality is limited anyways.
I can give you exciting visuals from Google though, and disect the night:
1. I pick her up, she looks hot, no surprise.
I am driving this

2. I don\'t look too bad either, I was wearing this:

3. We ate at a nice Mexican restaurant, here

It\'s a casino called the Venetian, and it does its best to duplicate the city of Venice, Italy. Accordingly, they have gondola\'s paddling around in the casino, and I requested seats right along side them so we could hear the gondoleers singing as they steered by, it was pretty cool, and she liked it.

It was a pretty cool experience, and the guy was funny. We kissed under all the bridges as spectators took pictures. The guy (gondoleer) asked us if we were in showbiz we rocked so much.
After that, she was already really pleased with what I had planned so far, and I got tickets to go see The Butterfly Effect. She freaked out a lot, and despite a lot of critical reviews, I thought the movie was good.
Overall, tonight rocked.