Originally posted by SirMystiq
I was at school so I dindn\'t feel like making a connection. Welfare is for the needy, if you think that it\'s only for the lazy, then you really always lived on the sunny side of this country. I don\'t think you need to be a Citizen to get welfare or Medicaid...only a paycheck. The 350 dollars my dad made every month payed for the rent. Thank you Democrats for Welfare. And if you want to call my dad, who busted his ass in the kitched cooking your god damn food, then I feel really sorry for you.
Stop living in the 1980\'s.
"We hold this truths to be self-evident, that ALL MEN are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalianable rights, among these are LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, to secure these rights, governments are instituted..."
The Declaration of Independence...Republicans should read that once in a while.
Republicans have longed changed since TRUE Republicans. Old Republicans would have NOT tolerated the spending GWB has done. And I\'m sorry, but most immigrants DO pay taxes.
It\'s funny, most Republicans that I know are white. They own businessess, and get 3k dollar income tax return. So what is the only thing they worry about the President being "Christian, Pro-Life..." etc..
1. I agree with what LIC said... if you aren\'t a citizen you shouldn\'t be entitled to get a cent from the US Government.
2. Do you even remember the 80\'s?
3. The Declaration of Independence was just that - a declaration for independence from Britian - IT DOESN\'T GIVE YOU ANY RIGHTS. That is the Constitution at least get your facts straight- and it should only be for US Citizens.
4. What do you know about "true Republicans"? Do you have any grasp as to what this country went through 3 years ago? Do you not understand that Democrats want those successful to pay for your needy and lazy asses? Charity starts at home my friend. Besides I would much rather give money to the Humane Society than to some illegal immigrants who think they can come here and sponge off of our society.
Your family should have stayed in Mexico since you seem to whine about everything in this country. By the way you go on about Bush and the government I TRULY believe that your family came here LOOKING FOR FREE HANDOUTS. This is what seperates the immigrants of this era from the ones that came here in the 19th and early 20th century. Those immigrants actually worked to make their lives better and didn\'t expect freebies that they were not entitled to.