Originally posted by GigaShadow
1. :rolleyes:
2. There was no more tension in the 80\'s than there is now. Like I said don\'t talk about things unless you know for certain they are true. :rolleyes:
3. YOU DID IMPLY that the DOI was the same thing as the Bill of Rights. Now you are trying to backpedal.
4. Really... there are grants specifically for White Anglo Saxons? Based soley on their race? I don\'t know what planet you live in. The grants minorities earn aren\'t earned... have you ever heard of quotas?? I believe some school in Michigan recently wanted to do away with the quota system and they were attacked by minority groups for trying to make the college admissions based on performance rather than race.
Also, don\'t lump blacks in with the Mexicans. The blacks in this country for the most part are citizens and are entitled to everything this country has to offer. The illegal immigrants are entitled to NOTHING. It is the illegals that hurt the other minorities in this country by taking jobs away from those minorites that are here legally.
Oh and whites do work at "Taco Bell, McDonalds, and do construction work" - come to Alabama some time and see for yourself.
On the issue of language, I am not going to let my son learn Spanish... I refuse to... it is not part of our heritage and I don\'t feel that he should be forced to learn a language to accomodate those too lazy to learn English. Some of you may say I am going to be hindering my son\'s opportunities... I don\'t believe so. If he is successful than anyone he deals with whether they are from another country or a different culture will most likely speak English as it has become the worlds universal language.
1.) :rolleyes: You sure like that :rolleyes:
2.) People like you keep them that way.
3.) "We hold this truths to be self-evident, that ALL MEN are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalianable rights, among these are LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, to secure these rights, governments are instituted..."
The Declaration of Independence...Republicans should read that once in a while.
^^^ That\'s what I said. No where did I state that they were rules or laws, they are the basic believes of which the people sought independece.
4.) I believe Quotas affect whites also. The schools have to accept a percentage of blacks, whites, hispanics and so on. Right? So therefore, white people aren\'t really being discriminated against. Furthermore, with quotas anybody can be discriminated. In San Francisco the parents of Chinese students sued the school district b/c their kids weren\'t accepted into the school because the quotas have been filled.
I firmly stand on my position when dealing with the "clumping" of African Americans and Mexicans/Mexican-Americans. Why? B/c their community was one of the most harrased by the whites. The Hispanics are fighting now for the same rights the African Americans where fighting for. They were too "illegal" when they were slaves. But they gained their freedom when they helped fight the Civil War...Kind of like how many Mexican/Latin Americans are fighting the war in Iraq and Afghanistan now. They didn\'t have rights at all even if they were legal. They fought for their rights and eventually overcame their adversaries who opposed to them having any kinds of rights. That\'s the reason why I mention them also and to take it further, I "clump" all minorities together legal and illegal because they all have to or have overcome the simple minded thinking that has veiled some of today\'s Americans.
Well I never been to Alabama. I live in Texas and I report what I see.
I feel great sorrow for your kid. If you are raising your kid in such a segregated way then you really haven\'t learned anything from the past centuries of trouble this country has endured. Learning Spanish or any other language will offer many new opportunities to make friends, obtain a job and even meet his "significant other". My aunt\'s husband is white, the only reason he learned Spanish was too try to talk to my aunt...Anyways I really have nothing else to say on that subject. Any kind of language learned will be a token that can help anybody in the future. Whether you refuse to believe it or accepted, it\'s the simple truth.
And you failed to mention why you didn\'t apply for a Scholarship...
Right now I have many Scholarship opportunities and yes even from some "Hispanic Scholarships". But:
1.) Numero 9 in my class rank
2.) Took 8 APs and passed 6 of the exams. (Damn Chemistry and CS)
3.) I haven\'t taken any ACT/SAT but I\'ll get around to that soon.