Originally posted by GigaShadow
For the last time Mystiq - try and comprehend that the Declaration of Independence is exactly how it sounds - a declaration proclaiming this country\'s independence from Britain - IT IS NOT A LAW - if you want to quote something quote the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Those are laws and would make a valid argument.
White people aren\'t being discriminated against due to the quota system??? Tell that to the kid who has all the grades and test scores, yet gets denied acceptance due a college having to take a minority that has inferior grades and test scores - THAT IS DISCRIMINATION.
I didn\'t feel like applying for any scholarships as you have to fill out enough paperwork to get student loans alone and I was 32 when I went through school to get my masters degree - they didn\'t give a crap about my class rank in high school LMAO... sheesh... My SAT\'s scores were somewhere slightly above 1200 and what class system would rank you at 9? The remedial classes maybe? Let me know what college accepts you (cough cough). Don\'t even try and present yourself as even remotely intelligent or superior to me intellectually - just look at your moronic OJ thread as an example.
Oh don\'t feel sorry for my child, for he will never have friends like you. You wouldn\'t be welcome in my house - and it has nothing to do with your race. Its your tacky bling bling taste in everything and your moronic views on this country.
Your reply brought back the movie "American History X". The kid was so into learning about other cultures, but the dad spilled his BS about the world.
Tacky taste, just b/c it isn\'t your own huh...
Like I said the DoI is not a law. But it stated the reasons why they declared independence in the first place. If those reasons are broken now, what was the use of it?
Quotas affect everybody...I believe that is what I said.
It\'s funny how you seem to be lost in your own sense of self satisfaction and ignorance. So I\'m not going to fight it. You are King. You are the most intelligent creature in the world. And if being intelligent has anything to do with believing any of the beliefs you have, I\'ll rather stay stupid.
Well...My school is number 2 in Texas. Science and Engineering Magnet. I don\'t know about OJ b/c I didn\'t live in this country at the time the case happened. You can consider yourself as highly as you please, but I will never accept a person with views like yours capable of being intelligent. Period.
Stereotyping are we ("Bling Bling") Well I think that your old views on the world and conservative ways are moronic. But you are always right my lord.
What does your son having a friend "like me" have to do with discrimination? Also, what is your heritage? Weren\'t the original settlers accepting immigrants and worked together with them and at the same time consuming their culture? Isn\'t that why there are Taco-bells, Taco-Bueno, Domino\'s Pizza, Panchos...etc? Your "culture" is not defined as being one that only speaks English. In fact, your culture has been the most influenced by other cultures in this country. This COUNTRY has been the most influenced by cultures from all over the world, being in a position were you are not willing to accept "other" cultures other than your own is basically saying that you aren\'t accepting what your country has become.