Originally posted by GigaShadow
1. I agree with what LIC said... if you aren\'t a citizen you shouldn\'t be entitled to get a cent from the US Government.
2. Do you even remember the 80\'s?
3. The Declaration of Independence was just that - a declaration for independence from Britian - IT DOESN\'T GIVE YOU ANY RIGHTS. That is the Constitution at least get your facts straight- and it should only be for US Citizens.
4. What do you know about "true Republicans"? Do you have any grasp as to what this country went through 3 years ago? Do you not understand that Democrats want those successful to pay for your needy and lazy asses? Charity starts at home my friend. Besides I would much rather give money to the Humane Society than to some illegal immigrants who think they can come here and sponge off of our society.
Your family should have stayed in Mexico since you seem to whine about everything in this country. By the way you go on about Bush and the government I TRULY believe that your family came here LOOKING FOR FREE HANDOUTS. This is what seperates the immigrants of this era from the ones that came here in the 19th and early 20th century. Those immigrants actually worked to make their lives better and didn\'t expect freebies that they were not entitled to.
1.) Too bad that\'s not the way things work. People can get welfare with just proof of how much they make.
2.) Not really.
3.) The Declaration of Independence stated some of the basic believes of the people that were becoming independent. Second paragraph..."We hold this..." and so on.
4.) I know that Republicans WERE conservative. I know that Lincoln would of killed GWB for overspending. That\'s not being very conservative. I know that without 9/11, Afghanistan would of still been governed by Al-quaida and Iraq would still be ruled by Hussain. Successful b/c you had the money to do it. Not all people can afford a college education, some have to drop out of high school to help out their families. But in a Republican view point, too bad right? Yeah, but then the government should spend billions of dollars on helping people that they chose to bomb. And they don\'t even live here. Sponge of your society? From what I know, immigrants have helped this country prosper to what it is today.
Actually, I\'m a U.S. Citizen. So I\'m entitled to whatever the Government has to offer. My family only used Medicaid when we first lived here, b/c my dad wasn\'t "succesful" like you where and had to work harder than you probably ever had. Illegal and legal immigrants work their asses off. I don\'t know the kind of immigrants you meet, but they aren\'t the rights ones. I go on about Bush and the Government b/c I don\'t like it. What\'s wrong with that?