From the front angle, the Bertuzzi hit looks bad, but it looks like he fell on him as he went down. From the side angle it looks like he drove Moore down hard into the ice, with his arms.
I tend to lean a bit towards the second hypothesis, and as such I had no problem with his suspension (even though it means a Canadian team will be hurt bad in the playoffs). I think they\'re going to keep Bert suspended next season if Moore isn\'t recovered by then, up to 1 year (sort of bringing in the OHL version of the rule).
I think the sens have a good chance this year, assuming Lalime or Prusek can step it up a notch.
Toronto has a chance, assuming Belfour can stay healthy for the duration.
Calgary, Tampa Bay, Philly, or Colerado all have a shot, assuming they keep playing like they have been recently.
I don\'t think Detroit will make it too far, I have a feeling that they\'re going to run out of gas soon.
Other than that, well.. the rest of the contenders don\'t stand out either way for me.