Originally posted by Viper_Fujax
Slipknot is the main one.
some evanesence songs are good and i get ragged on by a couple friends for it
New metallica. I liked load, and some of reload but it got old fast, and st. anger but i havent listend to it for a while.
I cant believe that you out of all people on this board (except Kimarhi) LIke st. anger. I dont feel that its always kind to bash other\'s musical tastes (unless its some street or oi punk) but compared to most of their other stuff it sux ass.
Anyway. Screaming in metal Im ok with most of the time but recently ive been on an underground hip hop phase. As for what THX said: How can one listen to something that sounds like bullshit just for a good message? There are plenty of people who might have similar views and thats all fine and dandy but good music isnt the product of good lyrics alone.
Meh, other than that, I basically listen to everything genre wise. Of course there are those that say that but dont really listen to almost everything. I know there are some extremely obcure forms of music out there that i dont listen to but the majority of popular (not pop or commercial) i listen to.
Oh yeah. and no Emo/Pop Punk. Cant stomach it for more than 30 seconds.