Originally posted by Ginko
Yes, the catholic church used to call science a tool of the devil and the people who learned it heretics.
You know a guy named Galileo? Well he proclaimed that the sun and not the earth was the center of our universe. The church thought it was ridiculous God would place man anywhere other than the center of it all. Galileo was put under arrest and proclaimed a heretic by the church. Link
Eventually the Vatican proclaimed anyone who were adversaries of the church as Shaitan\'s...the root word of Satan. Historically Satanists were educated people who stood against the false teachings of the church. The rumors of of satanic black magic, animal sacrifices and the pentagram were lies spread by the church basically as a smear campaign.
Want to know where "Lucifer" came from? I\'m going to tell you anyway.
Luciferian Doctrine, or New World Order based on scientific enlightment. (Freemasons, look it up) The church proclaimed Lucifer as a reference to the devil when it was intended as its literal Latin meaning...bringer of light.
Do some digging around and you\'ll also find that it was the church who claimed educated women as witches and burned them.
^There are many examples of this through the history of the church. Basically anything that nullified the church\'s claim as the sole vessel through which man could understand God/Life was bullied into submission.
This is not the case today...not entirely anyway. I won\'t have anything to do with a house built on lies though:)
And yet today, the Catholic Church has acknowledged Evolution as fact and the Earth is not the center of the Universe. You\'re throwing rocks at people who lived hundreds of years ago.
And JUST ONE MORE THING! War has always helped medicine, engineering and trade advance. Imagine that! The Crusades brought Europe out of the Dark Ages (when the Crusaders stumbled upon mathematical literature from the Greeks and Romans the Muslims held.)
Life is full irony.
BTW....Lucifer is an old Greek name for "Luci" = light "-fer" = messenger or carrier. Therefore, Lucifer = Bringer of Light, the morning star before the Sun rise, or God\'s most favorite angel until he was cast out.