Originally posted by Coredweller
1. You say suicide is not an acceptable option, but murder is ok. Explain that. It makes no sense, because murder is irreversable, but Suicide can always be done later.
Thats not murder.She was fighting between life and death.And she was under great suffering.Unimaginable suffering.
Many people ask for euthanasia but nobody is offering it to them.Because its considered a murder.Even people that would have died anyways.
Murder is when you take someone\'s life against his own will
2. How do you decide which injured person should be allowed to live, and which should be put out of their misery? You have provided no rules to follow. There are an infinite number of grey areas here where you would be entirely unqualified to judge. You just looked at a picture of her and said "gosh we should kill her." You can\'t say that someone should be killed without a clearly definable reason why.
Who are you to decide that everyone should suffer the consiquences no matter how painful they are?You set one rule thats for sure.
No I didnt look at a picture.I ve told you already that I ve seen people!You are the one that judge from a distance based on personal experiences
You say you\'re waiting for me to prove you wrong, but you haven\'t made any clearly definable argument. You just say she should be killed because she might suffer.
Mental traumas, incurable traumas, that consume you.I am bored to repeat exactly my arguement.Just read my previous post.
Everyone suffers in life at some point. Some people are born with deformities and suffer from the beginning to the end of their lives. Should they be killed to? See point no.2 above. You have no rules to apply, therefore your argument is ridiculous.
So they shouldnt.But her case isnt the same.She was almost dead.And its also tons harder to know that "THIS IS NOT THE REAL ME!LOOK HOW I WERE AND HOW I AM"!!
BTW, that is bullshit. Maybe the parents were thinking about reducing her suffering by treating her injuries and allowing her to recover and restore her life. You shouldn\'t say such a terrible thing about the parents as "they thought about nothing other than their own personal feelings." You have no way of knowing, so that statement is pure BS. [/B]
What the...?Maybe the parents were thinking about reducing her suffering by treating her injuries?Thats indeed BS!
Thats not a common everyday injury.Or a curable injury.Or an injury that lives no "stains".
You still refer to external injuries(as if they are just injuries)!!You still didnt say anything about MENTAL INJURIES!!
Which prooves that you ignore my arguement.You talk as if its just the freaking injuries and the external pain that they inflict
You use common oversimplistic logic that only wipes the surface