I\'ve just read through this thread, and everybody is making really solid points.
My thoughts and opinions on this war in general have been on a rollercoaster ride. Before it began, I was for it because Saddam Hussein has always been bad news. It essentially would kill three birds with one stone: ousting a power-hungry dictator and liberating the Iraqi people, seizing WMDs, and heck I was looking forward to paying less at the pump as well. So regardless of why you believe we went to war, whether it was a personal vendetta, or just a way to capture some oil fields, you cannot ignore the fact that it was going to help a lot of innocent people.
Then the war started... Hussein lost power, and would eventually be captured... No WMDs discovered, too bad, it would have been nice, but we still accomplished many other things... What I never really thought would go so bad is our occupation and attempt to establish a stable government.
The body count and death tolls don\'t bother me, like it has been stated, in a war, people die. Its just it seems no progress is being made whatsoever and we\'re at a stalemate here. It\'s even disheartening that so many \'allies\' just sit comfortably and watch and do nothing. We went into this alone, however the job would be so much more easier with support from other countries and all this bloodshed that they\'re griping about can come to a quicker conclusion.
And finally, with Islamic fanaticism at an entirely new height, Muslims from every Middle Eastern nation are flocking to Iraq to get a chance to do what their \'god\' promises will earn them salvation, killing an American. I hope they all just gradually flood in and we can kill every one of them and weed as many out of the human race as possible.
Oh and for every moron saying this was for oil, why am I paying $2.11 to fill my tank? Idiots.