Well Titan that\'s too bad that people don\'t know the vast quantity of different types of WMD. Simply because when a person hears "WMD" on the TV, radio or whatever, they think of the big black mushroom cloud. And you know what, that\'s the exact thought that Bush\'s Government wanted people to see in order to push the effort of the war.
If we have found any biological weapons they would surely be on the news. I\'ve heard of weapons that have been found but were no longer a threat as a weapon.
Saddam himself was the weapon...Hmm, nope. I don\'t remember Bush ever saying that. Except after no real weapons were found. They had to find some kind of excuse though right? Besides who\'s the "bigger weapon" Saddam or Osama, which by the way, hasn\'t even been captured and I believe they have found a recent video of him still alive and itching to kill some more.
Bush\'s press conference was pretty good. The guy spoke with much confidence. But overall it was always the same thing. He always fled away from the question and got in all kinds of things that he wanted to say. In all, he took more time answering on question than trying to answer as many as he could.