It\'ll be interesting to see what ATI\'s offering is . It is going to take a lot to impress people after see\'ing this. I think the biggest thing ATI needs to focus on is matching the specs and making the package a lot smaller . I don\'t see how they will be able to come down in price though, both high end cards should be around the $500 mark, which for the hardcore is A-OK and the companies know it. Where as the low end model would be around $250 - $300.
Here\'s to the next generation of video-card wars! Just glad I\'m back in the PC world to see this one... I\'ll be picking up my 9800 XT here in about two weeks, but when both parties show their newest stuff, I know I\'ll end up upgrading . \'Tis the price you pay for the newest stuff and being an early adopter.
Buggy hardware, buggy drivers and a nice new video card. Ah, the bliss.