Originally posted by GigaShadow
Heh good post Nicon. As for the "Massive" KKK rally in Valley Forge Park - that is right near Philly and I will be interested to see the how the Sunday Philly Ledger reports it. I guarantee there will be more counter protesters than Klan/Neo Nazi marchers.
Anyway, I have said what I have to say on the matter - I know nothing of the new BPP and all of my comments were based the original BPP, whether they are different now I do not know.
The links I used were hasty links I pulled off of Yahoo. I also know there was some sort of rally in Montgomery AL a few years ago that went exactly like the ones I posted. About 2 dozen showed up and about 500 protesters showed up. Some guy in the Klan got hit with a bottle and the Klan packed up and left. The point is these people are on the fringe of society regardless of where they are located. HBO had an interesting documentry on the Klan and Neo Nazi\'s in Alabama a few years ago and it ended with the leader of the this group (mostly teenagers) going to jail.
Hate groups will always be around, but the ones we have been talking about here do little to impact our society and spread their hate.
Why thank you for the compliment. You didnt do too bad yourself:p
Good debate.
I too am interested in the report of the rally. If its as massive as its supposed to be then it opens new doors in this debate
Just kidding.
As for what BlackSam is saying, I partially know what hes talking about While i havent done any kind of deep study or w/e on the FBI\'s involvement in "race groups" i am pretty sure of their involvement in the demise of the BPP. I cant quote anything right now but i remember reading something about them planting forged letters by Huey Newton i think. Not 100% sure.