This is good stuff.
Truth be told, I\'m not the biggest Halo fan in the world. The repetitive levels realy didn\'t annoy me though. I hate that the pistol is the only weapon you need. I hate that MC practically crawls around--how slowly is he going to move when he\'s a geriatric? I hate Bungie\'s multiplayer map design--I mean ****ing ladders in MP maps? There\'s no flow or thought of MP mechanics. I hate that, because of the above problems, you cannot get out of a firefight without being severely damaged and easy prey for the next guy.
Having said all that, halo is still the best FPS on PS2 or xbox (never played a GC FPS--it\'s too kiddy to have any, right? I keed, I keed!). The AI is still unmatched, thrilling and a damn pleasure to play against. The vehicles rock. And for two years I played that damn game.
Anyone who questions the quality or brillance of Bungie\'s six month project has some serious issues. Sure, there are problems, there are no perfect games, at least I\'ve never played one.
Halo is overrated, there\'s no question. The problems with that game are many and varied. It\'s vision and ambition make it seem better than it really is though, but that doesn\'t mean it isn\'t great.
No, sales do not equal quality, but the fact that it\'s consistently been in the top ten in sales for the past three years IS remarkable. If it sold a million in the first year and then quietly went away. If it sold that many copies while a bargin title. If it saw a great reduction in price, perhaps an argument could be made--but none of these things has happened.
The fact that H2 has well over a million preorders a month before drop date is a ****ing phenomenon. Competition or not, there isn\'t an argument that can be made to refute the major franchise that Halo has become--and I guess that\'s why, for seven pages, you haven\'t even attempted to make one.