They don\'t get payed to bark out their lame political ideals.
Ex-politicians and most anyone associated with them on their staff in some way go on to be experts in their professions and are given hundreds of thousands of dollars to lecture at colleges and other scheduled gatherings. It\'s why most every politician never has to work again once they achieve a seat in congress or in the senate or any other political body in DC. Give a few years -- gain the rest of your life. Pretty sweet in some ways I suppose.
Aside from that, I think this thread is hilarious. Stewart was trying to get the point across that news channels have a responsibility to report to the public and let them decide, but instead go right to the spin doctors who constantly try and pursuade the people into agreeing with their opinion. The fact that he had Kerry on his show and didn\'t ask him "hardball questions" isn\'t anything that should have been brought up or discussed. Consider the mediums and the outlets for each show -- how could the Daily Show, on Comedy Central, ever be held to the same political standards as a show like Crossfire on CNN? One\'s almost a smart political satire while the other is a hard hitting argumentative forum for "Discussion" that immediately distory facts with a panel of spinners and sinners.
I\'m just curious how Jon Stewart came off as an asshole when he simply called a few hosts out for not doing their jobs.