Originally posted by Lord Nicon
Yes unclear as to you making momentum your main argument. I said it was mentioned. One statement doesnt solidify the point of both past and present arguments. Jesus. The point is taken lets move on now.
Actually, I mentioned it twice. Once on the first page then again a few posts back. Check it out if you want...
The ps2 had a shortage and from what many said a semi poor set of launch games besides a few pretty good ones. Nothing that was supposed to be a killer app like the rumored GT2000, etc. The graphics were debatably better or worse than the already released dreamcast, and dev complaints as well as rumors of ps2\'s in superiority due to bottlenecks and 4megs of vram was always a common issue. Of course the only thing it really had going for it besides a few good games was its hype.
You\'re forgetting to mention that the PS2 would have the luxury of having the most successful console in history as its\' older brother. I believe the Playstation had well over 60 million units sold when the PS2 released. The large, casual consumer base, that Sony basically created, will move over. Sony made it cool to be a gamer, that\'s why their numbers sky rocketed during the Playstation years and why the PS2 was a success long before it was due.
The PS2 launch was dismal however Sony made another incredibly smart move. The PS2 had DVD support. Japan\'s DVD players were still very pricey so the fact that PS2 could play dvd\'s as well as play games put it on the fast track to success and buried the Dreamcast in Japan. Do I need to remind you that The Matrix was the number one seller for PS2 in Japan? The wait for games might have ticked off a few gamers but in the end Playstation 2 delivered. The mass market doesn\'t remember or doesn\'t care they had to wait a while because it paid off, Sony brought them the games again.
Dreamcast was DOA. It came out at an awkward time and would eventually be overtaken by the soon to be released consoles from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. The third party support was okay, still very cautious, and those that did develop for it jumped ship as soon as PS2 was released. Sega made way too many mistakes and it cost them their hardware business. That we can all agree on.
The hype on dolphin and xbox were nothing to laugh about with all the tech demos and rumored specs that were so much greater than the ps2\'s. Not to mention the xbox could do everything the ps2 could plus more except for backwards compatibility. The numbers far outclassed that of ps2\'s. Not to mention th fact that its pc architecture allowed plenty of pc devs to jump on the boat.
Not really a problem for Sony. By the time MS and Nintendo would release their consoles Sony already had around 30 millions PS2\'s and had just begun to hit its\' stride with games. Xbox and GC launch had some good games but they were going up against Gran Turismo 3, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy X, Jak & Daxter, etc.
The Xbox numbers might have outclassed PS2 but that\'s not enough. MS had to prove they could sell games before they would get more developer support.
Nintendo was up against their "kiddy" image, the format they choose, and a lack of developer support from 3rd parties.
The 64, had all sorts of hype going for it as well, not to mention that all of its previous consoles were highly regarded. 2 generations to be exact, when this time around, sony had one console under its belt (i admit a very good one but still one gen). Not only did the system boast double the power supposedly, it also had zero load times etc (and by this time everybody was far too aware of this issue with cd rom systems). The casual gaming population made little fuss about the pricing and the fact that the games were cartridges because there were so many pluses and damaging one was so much more difficult.
Hype can dwindle quite fast after the consumer realizes what they\'re getting. The N64 had record sales but quickly went down hill due to a lack of games. The casual gamer might not have made a big fuss about cartridge prices, even though PS games were cheaper, but developers sure spoke up and reacted. The N64 didn\'t have the 3rd party support because of the issues I mentioned earlier. The Playstation had many choices over what the N64 could offer and the Saturn was getting ready to lie down in its\' grave.
Often we forget how huge of a percentage the casual gaming population makes. We\'ve seen some crappy games go up on the top 20 sales list and this is all due to misinformed casual gamers. All this tech and specifics bull could barely matter any less to these people.
And those people make up a very large part of the Playstation audience. They might get persuaded by hype but in the end they\'ll always go where the games are. Sony\'s where it\'s at and until someone convinces them otherwise they aren\'t moving.
Sure ms didnt have the same set of advantages, etc. but the same advantages arent always needed. I cant remember a single launch game that looked anywhere below the level of ps2\'s middle tier games. There were many selling factors so dont make it out to be a case where xbox was going to sell this way from the get go. Lets not even talk about ps2\'s not so wonderful e3 outing a couple years back. Microsoft had plenty of opportunities to make for better sales.
Average joe doesn\'t know what E3 is. Again, Playstation and PS2 are where the games are and joe won\'t forget that. Xbox had alot of hype going in but the lack of software is what kept it from selling more than it could have. PS2 was releasing the big guns in 2001 and hasn\'t stopped since.
Games sell hardware, you can\'t dispute that. That\'s why the Playstation sold and that\'s why the PS2 dominates. Now we are seeing 3rd parties taking a chance on Xbox and it\'s paying off so MS is winning over developers and consumers. However, the PS2 isn\'t losing anything.
And they are gaining some foothold in the Japanese market. Of course Japan was never the main money maker. We were talking about american numbers previously and despite Japanese sales, the american numbers of the ps2 etc. are still outclassing. Yes there are reasons behind this, but you make it out to seem like this is better than microsoft could have ever done and under these circumstances its doing so incredibly well.
Last I checked Xbox had sold 1.4 million in Japan...I\'d say it\'s dead and MS would be stupid to keep pursuing them. What has changed since the 32-bit generation is the influence of Japanese developers. They no longer can claim to be the major factors in the outcome of a console, I think American developers have taken that spot with some of the best selling games on the planet. I think MS has made some improvements in Japanese developer support because they can make money, however I don\'t see the Japanese consumers buying into the MS brand anytime soon...their market indicates they are loyal to themselves.
I beg to differ.
Then again, opinions are opinions and there are really no flat facts that disprove one argument or the other. This is just how i see things.
Differ you have but I think your arguement is full of misconceptions and inaccuracies. You\'ve gone as far to mention the average gamer\'s role in the success of a console then go on to mention things like E3 and tech specs that should have sold GC and Xbox. They don\'t play a role to joe gamer, and they definitely don\'t determine the success of a console.
In the end, only the games sell hardware. Can we agree on that?