Sincerely, I do believe Bush was the better candidate for the next four years. He began this entire "War on Terror" and I think its only appropriate that he continues the offensive. I couldn\'t imagine the mess we\'d get into with Bush\'s plan dumped onto Kerry\'s lap. Hopefully with these next four years, Bush can tie up many loose ends and get this country on the right track. Maybe it was boastful to state Bush was the better candidate, but then again you cannot say that Kerry would have been a great president. We\'re in a mess right now, and I think Bush is the right guy to get it cleaned up. I like his idea of an offensive approach to terrorism, and keeping them on the run.
I trust Bush because the guy stands up for what he believes in, and doesn\'t show any signs of hesitation. He\'s not the greatest president, but he\'s what we need right now.
Originally posted by SirMystiq
This country is DIVIDED heavily. 4million votes isn\'t really that much of a difference. I really hope(probably in vain) that Bush won\'t begin to make choices due to his religion.
The country is only as divided as people are allowing it to be. If people want to be so anti-Bush, and so left-sided, and don\'t want to just put all this party bullshit aside, then the country will become divided. The most disappointing thing from this election I\'ve seen is how bitter many democrats have become, and are pulling these "division" cards left and right.