Originally posted by Weltall
I have to give this wretched excuse of a shitsack masquerading as a human being one credit: He\'s honest enough to say what many liberals believe.
That said, he\'s still dispicable, and I can\'t think of enough horrible things to wish on him. If it were possible to be killed more than once, I\'d wish a million on him.
What a cocksucker.
You are a joke.
"He\'s honest enough to say what many liberals believe."
You really make a point. Next time you hack into somebody elses heads, can I watch you so I can learn how to do it also?
I haven\'t read the paper and don\'t intend to. The article you posted is obviously biased and in no way even attempts to view the paper in an objective view. But, you hail and worship this article because it feeds your need for "correctness" and your views.
I agree with Hamster and clips. He took this issue too far in the way he presented his opinion, but it\'s very valid for the same reasons Hamster and clips said.
It\'s also true that we are all tools of the government. Even liberals are. We are used to fuel your anger and blind visions by providing a target on which you can retaliate and not face any kind of consequence. Then they give you all sorts of news reports, stats and Republican spit to "back them up" And as a bonus, they give you a badge that you can hand out to people that you believe are true Americans.
It must feel great being part of the mainstream.
And Giga, you really shouldn\'t be boasting about all our foreing aid because you have proclaimed to the entire forums that you would be the last person to donate anything. You would just say "F\'em" and live on with your live. You might be American, but you can\'t take credit for the good deeds you don\'t support.