Originally posted by GigaShadow
I didn\'t know this, but looks like Shiavo\'s attorney is looking to cash in on Terri\'s death by writing a book.
As for George Felos being the Chairman of Suncoast Hospice:
Everything in the case stinks - you don\'t have to be a rocket scientist to see it.
Look it up your self - here http://www.google.com
Sounds like a TV movie in the works... lawyer quits high paying job to teach minority children in poverty stricken neighborhood. :rolleyes:
Brain damaged - not brain dead.
I talked about this with Core earlier in this thread or was it the other thread? thanks to vid I can\'t keep track anymore...
Yes it is ethical - as I have said before Michael Shiavo does not have his disabled wife\'s interest at heart, he has dollar signs in his eyes. Once again Terri Shiavo is not brain dead - anyone who can look around and attempt to communicate is not dead. Her situation has been made worse by her husbands refusal to give her therapy after the malpractice case. As you can see by my link in one of these threads two RN\'s have stated in a sworn affidavit that they have seen Terri Shiavo try and communicate and have witnessed her husband obstruct any form of therapy attempted.
WTF? Speak english. [/B]
I thought her looking around was nothing more than reflexes or nerves just acting up?
And Giga, believe it or not yes. She did quit her job, because she became some sort of feminist, dumped her husband and went off on her own. I also have a teacher that has a PhD on chemistry...teaching chemistry. That man could be making major bucks, I\'ve never asked why he teaches. And another of my teachers, Mr. Wilson, used to work for Frito Lay and he invented or had to do with the creation of the Sun Chips and their bag. But something happened and they ripped him off and he now is a teacher.
You mean TYPE English.
And yes, I admit that sentence needs some fine tuning. But again,
WE HAVE BEEN PLAYING GOD FOR ALONG TIME! This girl has nothing to do with anybody, NOBODY in congress knew this girl and somehow they set out out save her. Just one person out of the entire population. I guess they needed to feel useful.
BTW, Bush oversaw the most amounts of executions in Texas in the world! Playing God.
And could is right.
Giga, I doubt you want whats best for this woman. You seem to be more blinded by the appereant greed that her husband has and you seem to only wish that the husband doesn\'t get the money so many say he wants. Have you ever thought about the woman at all?
The doctors have all said NOTHING CAN BE DONE. It\'s like putting in new batteries on a stereo that no longer plays music.