Originally posted by THX
You have fine points DH but I guess we\'re saying that gay marriage is just not natural.
It\'s not natural for a human to own a slave.
It\'s not natural to disallow blacks from marrying whites.
It\'s not natural to have dick straightening feelings for another man.
The last one can be argued by you outta-the-box thinkers (ahemliberals) but the fact is the majority thinks homosexuality is unnatural. If gays want to participate in a traditional ceremony that involves a man and a woman, one of em has to grow a vagina and/or penis.
What laws in nature say it isn\'t "natural"?
I have seen plenty of male dogs hump another male dog.
This isn\'t about what is "natural" and what isn\'t. This is about people like Giga who decide that because they live in some farm in Alabama and support Bush they are automatically right and therefore it should be enforced on everybody else.
Shit, I HATE to see when a good looking hispanic babe decided to go for a black guy instead of me! GRRRR...lol, J/K
The point is, nothing is "natural" That is up to nature to decide. We can\'t define natural simply because we each have our own mind and think differently. We are aware of what goes on around us and are able to think for ourselves. Unlike animals and Giga...
Anyways, as long as LOVE is the primary factor of a marriage, who the hell are we to tell others who to love? And how the hell does it affect us when two guys decide to marry each other?
Please tell me how Giga and whomever else agrees with him:
and just for kicks,
What would you do if your kid turned out to be a homosexual?