I kind of like how some of the Jedi were killed(ie by a shot to the back!). It made sense too. They were clones, designed to have limited individual thought, so there was no remorse when they suddenly were ordered to fire on them so how could the Jedi sense it. Another well thought out move by Siddious.
And I\'m sorry but those Jedi who were owned by Siddious were nubs, complete nubs. Siddious isn\'t even that good of a fighter, it\'s clear his strength lies in manipulation. Windu had him, Yoda had him, he\'s just tricky at getting away.
I\'m watching a bootlegged copy on my pc right, now, but Padma and Anakyn are talking so reply ftw.
""Darth Plagueis was the Sith Lord to whom Darth Sidious was apprenticed. However, Sidious betrayed Plagueis (a common practice among the Sith) and killed him in his sleep, thus becoming the Sith master himself. Plagueis is sometimes referred to as "Darth Plagueis the Wise", as he found a way to manipulate midi-clorians to prevent death and create life."