Originally posted by QuDDus
Nvdia is not making a custom gpu for the ps3
just an enhancement of Nvidia\'s G70. Where their chip fails the cell processor will pick up the slack. That is why the ps3 was built for the cell and gpu to work as one.
The x360 gpu was custom built for the system.
And ps3 has to launch 6months after x360. Umm I say the chip is done. They have to have the final specs done so they can get the chip ready for testing so they can get it into prdouction.
Isn\'t production supose to start sometime this fall for the chip?
MS has a custom made graphics chip. Custom made could mean a few programmer headaches, but porbably not nearly as problematic as the PS2 was.
PS3 contains the "Cell" It takes many cells together to make up its the processing power, or am I understanding the concept behind the "Cell" wrong.
If it takes many cells to make up the processing power, then maybe we can assume that Sony will attach some"Cell" processors to the NVidia RSX GPU.
From premature illustration of PS3 hardware circulating it seemed like SOny was using the "Cell" for eveything. The main cell processor may many "Cells" while the Audio, video, network, I/O all have cells in place to drive them and communicate with the main processor.
This would in theory by my projections eliminate any concerns and advantage MS might have with there design.
All in all it doesn\'t matter since I will own both, but it will be very interesting to see if my theory is correct.
Of course if someone has a good article or 3 about this do share the tidbits of important info and links with us