Originally posted by Unicron!
John Carmack is best known for his work on PCs
and none of them worked on both (PS3 and 360) final kits.
As for hideo Kojima he didnt state any details nor did he work on PS3 final kits either.But he got great results in a matter of months.
On....beta....PS3 kits
Hey, you asked and I answered. Why is Ken\'s word (a man who consistently talks bigger than he ever delivers) better than four big name third party developers?
Carmack is best known for being a good programmer. Final kits or no, both machines are far enough along to get a good sense of how it will be to make games for them.
I didn\'t say the PS3 was not capable of great things, the arguement here is if the PS3 is more difficult to develop for than the Xbox 360. The answer, from the four guys I quoted, looks like a solid yes to me.
I\'m not going to waste my time on you. I provided you with two big-name third party developers plus the ones you already know about (Carmack and Itagaki) that all support the arguement that PS3 is more difficult to make games for than the Xbox 360. Deny it, spin it, interpret it badly, print it out and wipe your ass with it, I don\'t care.