Esquire had an interesting article on how at this point, recruiting is at an all time low. It is so low in fact, that the recruiters are cheating to get people in. Basically, giving you work arounds for any medical problems / drug habits and what not, just so they can meet their quota.
As for EVERYONE having to serve at one time or another, I think that is complete bullshit. You want freedom? Part of freedom is allowing the people to make the choice to fight or not. It doesn\'t make men out of boys. It takes people and puts them in situations they should never be in that people should not be in . Not to mention, if I had a son, I would hate the fact that the goverment was goin\' to take him and force him to fight for the country.
I have had plenty of people in my family that have been in the army all their life. Enough that I know it is not for me. Is it for them? Yes, they enjoy it. Would I? No. It has nothing to do with being a liberal, it has to do with being a lover, not a fighter!