Originally posted by mm
DS has nothing to do with number of tracks, old or new.
imagine if they used mini-dvd\'s and put 48 new tracks in?
having the map on the 2nd screen is moot.
put a much larger single screen in the unit and put the map in the corner like any other racing game.
Having tried it, I think having the full-screen map is cooler than it looks at first. You can zoom it in and it works almost like a rear view mirror for dropping bananas and stuff in front of other racers. And there\'s a new item that covers your vision, but if you think of it, you can switch to the map screen and use the top down view to get by pretty well in the mean time.
BTW, with another format, Nintendo wouldn\'t have put in 48 new tracks. Look at GCN. There\'s usually only 16 courses. Doubling it up was a nice surprise, regardless of the system.
Actually, I\'m not sure what your problem is with the DS. It has lots of good games, many of which have some kind of feature or features unique to games on this platform.
The PSP will always have better specs, but for now, the DS is the better system.