I think you have got it backwards, mm. It will probably go PS3>XBox360>/= REV
Avatarr, The DS only sells Nintendo games. I Same as the N64 and GC for the most part, utterly destroying many chances that the system (REV) will have for getting high profile content. People just want to play their Madden or their Final Fantasys from time to time, but when Nintendo secures games like that: Baiten Kaitos, or FF:CC, or Madden, or Resident Evil:Remake, 0, or 4, etc. NOBODY has cared. Not one has been able to break a million in any given area on the GC, despite being high profile games.
The million sellers on Nintendo systems will always be straight from Nintendo and anything that says "Sonic" on it from Sega. That is about it. The mainstream developers won\'t make games for it, because it is essentially, in power, a LAST-GEN console and can\'t/won\'t do many of the tricks that PS3/360 will and can do.
That is why I think it might be relegated to last place in 2 markets (NA and EU) and second or MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE first in one market (Japan) but that is a big maybe. I really want Rev to succeed, but I am not buying it for the Virtual Console, unless they end up translating some of my old favorite Japanese roms and imports. I am interested in it for some semblance of an american FPS with the Revmote. I am sure Nintendo will cook up alot of ideas for it, but I think on whole, it will go unused and will remain a gimmick by other companies. Kind of like how many companies use the DS\' second screen as only a map or a progress screen, not having much interaction on it.