Personally what changed today compared to the past is that games for hardcore gamers arent reduced. I am positive that they actually increased. The main difference is that games appealing to a broader view have increased more.
Usually the self proclaimed hardcore gamers complaining that they dont matter as much as previously are the ones that were very very young back in the old days and games appealed mostly to the younger audience which is far less than today\'s which includes both teen and mature ages.
With other words many of these compare the old days when gamers were few with today that are many and dont like the fact that they dont belong to the "minority" of the "unique" and that more people play the games they play.
For example: Pro Evo soccer is the best most complicated football game money can buy IMO. Its deep and has everything a hardcore gamer wants. Today countless of gamers care about it, both hardcore and non-harcdore gamers play it, but hardcore gamers playng PES are a lot lot more compared to the number of hardcore gamers that would have playied it 15 years back if it existed back then.
Some "ex-hardcore" gamers tend to complain that its a game appealing to the masses just because too many gamers play it while they avoid the fact that hardcore gamers today are more because more gamers can have the chance to try games thus more potential hardcore gamers can emerge.
Another example is MK. Some "ex-hardcore" gamers loved MK, a fighting game that actually sucked compared to Street Fighter, KOF etc but was praised thanks to its "real looking" graphics and violence. MK today is relatively less appealing than in the past IMO than Tekken, SC and VF than what it used to be compared to the fighting games of the past
What I dont like today compared to the past is the fact that some "mediocre" games get more popularity than they deserve (EA\'s games anyone?).
Even more what I dont like is that some old timer developers or not so old timers tend to get their old franchises and then ruin them or at the best case scenario remain static.
An example for that is SEGA. Ruined Shinobi with the new installments, and totally murdered Sonic with the latest Sonic games (Shadow:Sonic game with GUNS??
Other examples:
Tomb Raider has gone from great to worse.
Wipeout from great to mediocre.
FF although great still playing almost like the old 80s 90s final fantasy games.
SEGA remade all time classics just with prettier graphics(ex:Golden Axe)
Other things I dont like:
We are being bombarded with FPS shooters (just check the list of next gen console games)
Countless PC-Console/Console-PC ports (especially war games BLEH)
Not a worthy Sonic game since the DC days (if we exclude the new DS game)
Not a worthy Mario game since the N64(or even the NES/SNES times)
Waiting for a Phantasy Star worthy of the crown the old ones got
Arcades suck now!!Where are the good old times when people showed their skill and everyone gathered to watch or compete?
I miss the old style PC with a "character".
Games based on movies that sell because of the movie popularity (King Kong, Enter the Matrix etc)
etc etc