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Author Topic: the hit sony is takin on ps3...  (Read 7312 times)

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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #60 on: August 09, 2006, 04:46:13 AM »
Quote from: mm
please stop mentioning gears of war like it\'s the 2nd coming of christ.  read some previews. they should change the name to gears of monotony

i will admit i\'am kinda big on gears of war,...but i was mostly agreeing on the price of ps3 and how i kinda feel sony is kinda out of touch with it\'s fan base, by being over-ambituous with it\'s products,..wasn\'t ps2 supposed to be the all in one?...don\'t get me wrong i wanna see sony succeed, and i know they will definitely move units in the holiday season, but what happens after that? i don\'t think sony will bomb, but i think it can ring true for them to be a solid third, or going back and forth between second and third with nintendo...
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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #61 on: August 09, 2006, 05:06:01 AM »
PAL PS2 : launch November 24th 2000 for € 522. That\'s 670 US Dollars.

There would not have been an American market for the PS2 at that price.
You guys getting raked over the coals is what will start happening to us if people show they\'re willing to pay so much for a console.
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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #62 on: August 09, 2006, 05:20:19 AM »
^ That\'s still beside the point. Of course PAL gamers thought of € 522 as a steep price for the launch PS2. Did it tank ? I don\'t think so...

And factually PS3 brings more hardware per dollar than PS2 ever did.
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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #63 on: August 09, 2006, 06:23:55 AM »
For me the PS2 is about twice what I\'m used to paying / would like to pay for a console.
So imagine now that the PS3 was going to cost you € 1000. Is price no longer a big deal?
It\'s expensive and because of the price, I no longer want one.
That means the price is important. Especially because I\'m not the only one who will think that way.
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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #64 on: August 09, 2006, 07:06:41 AM »
Yeah, I\'ve officially decided to wait a bit because of the money. I was thinking about how I really shouldn\'t drop a grand come November with the holidays around the corner. I guess I\'ll just wait until the time is right and when stores seem to have more than they can sell. XBox 360 has some good stuff coming and that\'ll hold me for a while.

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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #65 on: August 09, 2006, 08:31:31 AM »
^ Indeed, that\'s imo the best thing to do. Sony will have to prove, by means of games, PS3\'s worth the money.

Eventually, when they reveal more and more games in progress (of which alot of them, i\'m sure are pretty high profile games) will be convincing enough to warrant such a purchase.
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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #66 on: August 09, 2006, 01:54:51 PM »
Quote from: Knotter8
The whole price issue is still fairly pointless.

Let\'s see factual history :

PAL PS2 : launch November 24th 2000 for € 522. That\'s  670 US Dollars.

It didn\'t even come with a 20Gb HD, let alone a 60Gb HD.

USA PS3 will come with that 20Gb HD for 500 USD

USA PS3 will come with a 60Gb HD + HDMI for 600 USD = € 467 ! That\'s LESS than PAL PS2 at launch !

The 20Gb HD PAL PS3 will be € 499. That\'s € 23 cheaper than PAL PS2 without HD.
The 60Gb HD + HDMI PS3 will be € 599. That\'s € 77 more than PAL PS2 without HD, without HDMI.

I think initial PS3 sales will rocket, then plummet... and gradually pick up steam again ; provided, if the PS3 games in development will impress.

Well I ve asked in a store about the expected price of the PS3, and if they had the right information the cheaper one will cost around the same price as the premium 360. And still the cheaper PS3 can do so much more than a 360. If thats true it sure is a huge deal if you ask me
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 01:55:59 PM by Unicron! »

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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #67 on: August 09, 2006, 03:17:43 PM »
Yes, early adopters will buy them, yes the holiday season will sell out. What about afterwards? People will look at the price and gawk at it. It doesn\'t do all that much, other than play Blu-Ray movies, an unproven format.

You people forget that the general public can\'t drop or won\'t drop this amount of cash on a system. Yes, it has the Sony and hype and brandname, but that can only go so far , after the mad rush, Sony will have to deliver the games otherwise suffer.

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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #68 on: August 09, 2006, 03:37:48 PM »
It wont be a problem if they deliver

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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #69 on: August 09, 2006, 05:56:38 PM »
Quote from: Unicron!
It wont be a problem if they deliver

Thanks for adding that useless bit captain obvious.

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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #70 on: August 09, 2006, 06:05:38 PM »
You stated the obvious too.You just talked too much.

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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #71 on: August 09, 2006, 06:05:41 PM »
Unicron, the PS3 models cost $100 more and $200 more than the premium Xbox 360. You\'re either ok with that or you aren\'t.

And that bit about "it can do so much more than Xbox can" is inane. It can\'t play Halo. It can\'t play Oblivion.

They\'re different platforms that will do different things.

Like it if you want to, but for the right reasons. Like it because you look forward to Heavenly Sword and Resistance: Fall of Man. Like it because you enjoy Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy. Like it because you anticipate another Gran Turismo or another God of War. Like it because you want high definition DVDs and don\'t mind the Blu-Ray format as the way to do that.

I dunno, it\'s just my opinion. I can see defending the PS3 as a worthwhile purchase, just not by way of price tag or its supposedly superior hardware.
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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #72 on: August 09, 2006, 06:15:23 PM »
Quote from: Eiksirf
Unicron, the PS3 models cost $100 more and $200 more than the premium Xbox 360. You\'re either ok with that or you aren\'t.

And that bit about "it can do so much more than Xbox can" is inane. It can\'t play Halo. It can\'t play Oblivion.

They\'re different platforms that will do different things.

Like it if you want to, but for the right reasons. Like it because you look forward to Heavenly Sword and Resistance: Fall of Man. Like it because you enjoy Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy. Like it because you anticipate another Gran Turismo or another God of War. Like it because you want high definition DVDs and don\'t mind the Blu-Ray format as the way to do that.

I dunno, it\'s just my opinion. I can see defending the PS3 as a worthwhile purchase, just not by way of price tag or industry leading hardware.

 Ahm...you missed the point here. In that shop I was told the PS3 "core" version will cost 350CYP. Thats the same price as the premium 360 in my area. I am not refering to global price because I dont know yet. But I know what I have been told in a shop in my country

Also, the PS3 core has more features than the premium 360 plus the really good games. Thats where I am getting it to. At the same price.

 PS3 doesnt seem to have anything to be jealous of the 360 games. So having gaming equal on both, it is a great deal.
 I like it for all reasons including games. And indeed its going to have good games, plus the extra features. There is nothing wrong with that.
 If we were talking about something more expensive that wont have good games I would have agreed with you but PS3 doesnt fall to that category yet.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2006, 06:17:38 PM by Unicron! »

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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #73 on: August 09, 2006, 08:40:39 PM »
everybody is makin\' solid points as far as ps3 is concerned...and eik..you summed it up perfectly in terms of when and why you should be purchasing a ps3...for me at this point the price is still kinda high, and i kinda have faith that sony will deliver with the games,...also add that i\'m not really that excited about any of these systems....i was kinda amped for the ps2 launch but since then, i feel that i don\'t have to rush out to get the latest and greatest...i have a bunch of games that can hold me over until ps3\'s price goes down...i just played silent hill 3 again for the 3rd time since 2003...:p...those old long adventure/survival horror games will fill the void till then....

oh and uni...i finally seen what cyprus looks like on a map..you\'re really close to all that violence that\'s happening  between israel and hezbollah,...if somebody lobs a missle over to that tiny island, it\'s gonna sink!...;)
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the hit sony is takin on ps3...
« Reply #74 on: August 10, 2006, 12:14:06 AM »
All the name calling/capt Obviousing eachother ( very childish behaviour ) aside....

The diversity of opinion around the world ... is enough to warrant PS3 a non-complete failure.

Eiksirf summed it up pretty well though. Of course, there\'s this slight chance those anticipated PS3 games just might prove the arguments for such expensive
components as Cell / Blu Ray, right.

Of course, that might just as well not be the case, to some extent.
\"Enemy show me what you wanna be, I can handle anything even if I can\'t handle you !\"


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