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Author Topic: PS3 not selling: True or False?  (Read 12783 times)

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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2007, 06:21:03 AM »
Only if they are cross compatible. Other than that I get the shakes thinking about two formats out there. I still have battle scars from the Betamax years.

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Offline Unicron!
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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2007, 06:38:42 AM »
Quote from: THX

So thats about 400,000 PS3\'s, 25,000 stand alone BR players
And around 135,000 360 HD-DVD addons, 135,000 stand alone HD-DVDs

How much do stand alone BR players cost and how much do stand alone HD DVD players btw?

Offline clowd
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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #32 on: February 03, 2007, 07:37:36 AM »
Quote from: Unicron!
So thats about 400,000 PS3\'s, 25,000 stand alone BR players
And around 135,000 360 HD-DVD addons, 135,000 stand alone HD-DVDs

How much do stand alone BR players cost and how much do stand alone HD DVD players btw?

Yesterday I did a quick unsientific search of this and found standalone HD-DVD players averaged $4-500 and blu-ray players cost $6-800.

The blu-ray players are far superior as they allow for 1080p (the HD-DVD players for that cheap only did 720p/1080i)

So it\'s obvious the average Joe is buying HD-DVD for the simple fact it is cheaper.  I really hope we don\'t get stuck with HD-DVD for the next 10 years.

But in 1 year there is going to be 5-10 million PS3s in homes across the globe and in 5 years 30-40 million and in 10 years 70-80 million all equiped with blu-ray.  I dont see how movie studios can turn down such a large base of consumers and I can\'t see PS3 owners wanting shell out another $500 to buy a SECOND high definition player that doesnt play their blu-ray collection.  I know I certainly won\'t

Good news: Bluray is outselling HDDVD 2.5-1 at the moment

Bad News: It\'s only because of the PS3.  Also Warner is refusing to release their biggest movies and biggest HD-DVD sellers like Batman Begins on Bluray.  Some say this is to prolong the format war and suck as much money out of HD-DVD as possible before it dies.  Universal is not making movies for bluray at all despite the fact blu-ray is selling better.  Again,  some think this is done to delay the end of the war and suck as much money out of both formats as possible.  

Viperfujax I cant see both formats existing because one will almost certainly start to lag far behind.    2.5 blurays for every 1 HD-DVD is lagging far behind.  Studios will not support a format that lags behind 3-1 or 4-1 for a long period of time (a year).  Hopefully the current trend will continue.

Offline Unicron!
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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2007, 07:41:10 AM »
It seems like the repetition of VHS and Betamax. Betamax was of superior quality but VHS was cheaper. The latter won. Ofcourse this time there are more BR owners with the PS3 backing it up. So things could be a little different this time.

BR seems to be doing increasingly well unlike the Betamax

Offline mm
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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2007, 07:49:13 AM »
Quote from: Unicron!
It seems like the repetition of VHS and Betamax. Betamax was of superior quality but VHS was cheaper. The latter won. Ofcourse this time there are more BR owners with the PS3 backing it up. So things could be a little different this time.

BR seems to be doing increasingly well unlike the Betamax

VHS won because you could get porn on it.  no other reason is close.
however, porn is nearly free on the internet this time around.
plus, HD porn is hard to watch.  who wants to see every little pimple and razor burn?

the whole betamax thing needs to stop being mentioned.
Blu-Ray is not even a sony proprietary format.
every time some moron on the internet brings it up, i want to just throw up all over my keyboard.
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Offline clowd
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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2007, 08:39:19 AM »

According to this article, dated February 02, blu-ray standalone palyers have nearly caught hd-dvd stand alone players.  Reasons include Toshiba\'s inability to keep their inventory of HD-DVD players up

And I just love how the HD-DVD camp loves to spin data like this...almost as bad as the gamespot forums

“I have gone into Best Buys and Fry’s in Seattle, Milwaukee, Richmond, and every time I go in, they are sold out of the [Toshiba] players,” said Kevin Collins, director of HD DVD evangelism at Microsoft’s consumer media technology group. “It’s the same thing with the Xbox 360 HD DVD drive. I think HD DVD title sales will be higher. There are more people wanting to buy the players than they are supplying.”

So we get the "I\'ve gone to bestbuys in the United States and everyone wants HD-DVD so badly its all gone" from a HD-DVD sales guy.  I thought only people at message forums said things like that. Use numbers and facts,  unless you are scared of them?  Toshiba can\'t keep up with demand,  and that doesnt always mean there is a very large demand.  So blu-ray standalone players are closing in on the HD-DVD standalone players because Toshiba can\'t get the players out.  And only 1 out of nearly every 100 XBOX 360 owners are buying the HD-DVD addon so I doubt it will be a large factor


Offline Unicron!
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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2007, 08:57:37 AM »
Quote from: mm
VHS won because you could get porn on it.  no other reason is close.
however, porn is nearly free on the internet this time around.
plus, HD porn is hard to watch.  who wants to see every little pimple and razor burn?

the whole betamax thing needs to stop being mentioned.
Blu-Ray is not even a sony proprietary format.
every time some moron on the internet brings it up, i want to just throw up all over my keyboard.

True points. But I am not refering to BR and Betamax as being the same examples of formats as in being owned by Sony. I am only refering to BR and HD as the 2 competing formats.

Anyways which one has the biggest support so far? I think if there is something that can determine which will win is the support

Offline clowd
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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2007, 09:19:38 AM »
Quote from: Unicron!
True points. But I am not refering to BR and Betamax as being the same examples of formats as in being owned by Sony. I am only refering to BR and HD as the 2 competing formats.

Anyways which one has the biggest support so far? I think if there is something that can determine which will win is the support

Blu-ray support
Warner Bros.
Disney (Buena Vista)
Sony Pictures

HD-DVD support
Warner Bros.
Univeral Studios

Warner Bros. is releasing their top movies only on HD-DVD.  Why?  You tell me.  Bluray would be 3.5 - 1 right now if it had Warner\'s Batman Begins etc.  Universal promised 100 HD-DVD only movies by the end of the year and 40 before half the year is up,  but there is only release dates for 8 Univeral movies leading up to May meaning they have all of May and June to get 30 still unannounced HD-DVD exclusive movies out.  No word on big movies like ET, Jaws, and Jurassic Park either.

In the end,  whether bluray or HD-DVD wins,  Universal will be known as the stuido that prolonged the format war...but who knows?  Is M$ doing deals under the table with Warner and Univeral?  $ talks.

Industry support is just as lopsided in Blu-ray\'s favor.  But HD-DVD\'s biggest supporter is Microsoft,  which some believe want both formats to fail so they can usher in the end of discs and the beginning of downloaded media only.  Bill Gates says in speeches discs are a necessary evil,  and I\'m sure they just want another way to be big brother in what they allow you to do with the content you download from them.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2007, 09:23:04 AM by clowd »

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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2007, 09:29:31 AM »
Whoah never knew of that tsrategy by Microsoft. So are they trying to monopolize in content distribution as well that was originally a retailer\'s income?

It kind of makes sense now that I think of it. With 360 they are relying heavilly in XBOX live. Sony is forced to compete in that but they sure aim to something else.

Bill Gates stated in the past that they will never leave the gaming industry even if its not profitable for them. So its quite clear that they are aiming to something irrelevant to gaming

edit: Or perhaps not? Lets say we were MS and saw Sony leading the gaming industry, probably tendencies to monopolizing. Even farther Sony is aiming to evolve the Playstation into an all entertainment system, which might distribute Linux. 2 things might happen. Shifting developers away from supporting directX - Windows gaming and shifting consumers away from entertainment and application usage in Windows in favor to something else.

The only way to stop them is to compete them directly since we are the only ones who can do it, and stay in the market until we take them out of the market, living us alone and only in it, to "steal" the userbase and support Sony created for our usage.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2007, 09:40:20 AM by Unicron! »

Offline clowd
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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2007, 10:10:04 AM »
Microsoft\'s plan?


A little more


Think about it.  Microsoft does have nothing to gain by supporting HD-DVD.  100,000 HD-DVD 360 addons sold at $200 is pennies for Microsoft,  so what\'s really in it for Microsoft?  

They probably won\'t get either HD-DVD or blu-ray to fail,  but they may suceed in prolonging the war until maybe far into 2008, which will in turn shorten either the lifespan of HD discs or will keep the userbase low enough until they can roll out some sort of Windows Vista HD movie download service.  I\'m now more sure more then ever MS is behind Univeral for not supporting bluray at all and Warner Bros for releasing all its top movies only on HD-DVD

Look how they are releasing HD movies on Xbox Live.  Now why would they give you the ability to download High Definition movies on XBOX LIVE if they were so concerned about HD-DVD discs winning?The XBOX live HD movie download store is a guinea pig,  a testing grounds for their ultimate goal,  ITUNES like HD movie downloads on Windows Vista...notice how that article says MS spent alot of time getting Vista Hollywood secure...

Something to think about...imagine a few years from now MS launches an ITUNES like store for movies that now comes preinstalled in the most popular OS in the World,  Vista,  and everyone starts buying their HD movies from them online.  Yet more billions for MS...and if the sad thing is if they  keep HD-DVD and bluray fighting long enough it just may be THEM that replaces DVDs.....
« Last Edit: February 03, 2007, 10:34:23 AM by clowd »

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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #40 on: February 03, 2007, 10:11:41 AM »
download HD services are a joke, presently.
there\'s not enough bandwidth, especially when a lrge portion of online users are still on dialup and DSL.
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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #41 on: February 03, 2007, 11:25:04 AM »
mm makes a good point there.

Offline Jumpman

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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #42 on: February 03, 2007, 11:36:37 AM »
no he doesnt

Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.

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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #43 on: February 03, 2007, 11:38:04 AM »
There are plenty of users with large bandwidth connections.
(thanks Chizzy!)

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PS3 not selling: True or False?
« Reply #44 on: February 03, 2007, 11:51:19 AM »
i think the HD downloads look great. I only have a 19" LCD monitor so I dont actually see HD and im not sure how it even looks on an HDTV. It looks like it\'d be HD.

I\'v only downloaded some HD trailers..not a full movie yet. Was going to but couldnt decide between superman, the descent, or the standard version of a scanner darkly
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