So thats about 400,000 PS3\'s, 25,000 stand alone BR players
And around 135,000 360 HD-DVD addons, 135,000 stand alone HD-DVDs
How much do stand alone BR players cost and how much do stand alone HD DVD players btw?
Yesterday I did a quick unsientific search of this and found standalone HD-DVD players averaged $4-500 and blu-ray players cost $6-800.
The blu-ray players are far superior as they allow for 1080p (the HD-DVD players for that cheap only did 720p/1080i)
So it\'s obvious the average Joe is buying HD-DVD for the simple fact it is cheaper. I really hope we don\'t get stuck with HD-DVD for the next 10 years.
But in 1 year there is going to be 5-10 million PS3s in homes across the globe and in 5 years 30-40 million and in 10 years 70-80 million all equiped with blu-ray. I dont see how movie studios can turn down such a large base of consumers and I can\'t see PS3 owners wanting shell out another $500 to buy a SECOND high definition player that doesnt play their blu-ray collection. I know I certainly won\'t
Good news: Bluray is outselling HDDVD 2.5-1 at the moment
Bad News: It\'s only because of the PS3. Also Warner is refusing to release their biggest movies and biggest HD-DVD sellers like Batman Begins on Bluray. Some say this is to prolong the format war and suck as much money out of HD-DVD as possible before it dies. Universal is not making movies for bluray at all despite the fact blu-ray is selling better. Again, some think this is done to delay the end of the war and suck as much money out of both formats as possible.
Viperfujax I cant see both formats existing because one will almost certainly start to lag far behind. 2.5 blurays for every 1 HD-DVD is lagging far behind. Studios will not support a format that lags behind 3-1 or 4-1 for a long period of time (a year). Hopefully the current trend will continue.