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Author Topic: Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth  (Read 5952 times)

Offline clowd
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« on: August 07, 2007, 10:29:54 AM »
Sometime ago I debunked the rumor that the PS3 wasn\'t selling,  now I will debunk the myth that the PS3 does not have any games.

After all,  this is the #1 reason people use to explain why they haven\'t purchased a PS3.  Alot can afford the price but the common complaint is there aren\'t any games to warrant the price.

I\'m not going to argue what is considered \'enough\' games to warrant $600.  Some are waiting for MGS,  FF,  or Gran Turismo before they make the plunge which is understandable.

But what about current PS3 owners?  Do they simply have nothing to play?

How about the Nintendo Wii?  Since it\'s launch many have claimed that they can play more,  funner games on a $250 system rather than pay $600 to play no games.

So let\'s find out the truth.

I looked through all 343 PS3 games at Gamespot.com and recorded those with a rating of 8.0 or higher.  These are the results:

1. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 9.5
2. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 9.0
3. Tom Clancy\'s Rainbow 6 Vegas 9.0
4. Resistance Fall Of Man 8.6
5. The Darkness 8.5
6. Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection 8.3
7. NHL 2K7 8.3
8. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 8.2
9. NBA 2K7 8.2
11. Fight Night Round 3 8.2
12. Call of Duty 3 8.2
13. Virtua Tennis 3 8.2
14. MLB \'07 The Show 8.2
15. Tiger Woods PGA Tour \'07 8.2
16. Def Jam: Icon 8.1
17. Virtua Fighter 5 8.1
18. NCAA Football \'08 8.0
19. Ridge Racer 7 8.0
20. College Hoops 2K7 8.0
21. The BIGS 8.0
22. NBA Street: Homecourt 8.0

22 Total

I looked through all 500 games at Gamespot.com for the Wii.  I only recorded the games that have a rating of 8.0 and higher.  I did not record the virtua console games.  Super Mario 1? c\'mon

1. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition 9.1
2. Wario Ware: Smooth Moves 9.1
3. Super Paper Mario 8.8
4. The Legend of Zelda:  Twilight Princess 8.8
5. Mercury Meltdown Revolution 8.5
6. Madden NFL 2007 8.4
7. Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz 8.3
8. F-Zero 8.0
9. Trauma Center: Second Opinion 8.0
10. Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream 8.0

10 total

The Xbox 360 had a truckload of games rated over 8.0,  but it has been out 12 months longer than both the Wii and PS3.  So I didn\'t bother comparing it\'s games.

I will let the results speak for themselves.

Funny how when people say something enough,  like how PS3 has no games and the Wii has a ton of fun games,  how quickly a lie can catch on and spread and somehow become truth.

As for future games,  the Wii has SMB and Mario Galaxy this fall,  the PS3 heavenly sword,  lair and ratchet and clank.  for 2008 it looks very bad for the Wii but for PS3 there is MGS4,  GT5, FF13 little big planet and get goes on and on

Offline Raz The Friggin Grea
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2007, 10:36:15 AM »

1. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 9.5
2. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 9.0
3. Tom Clancy\'s Rainbow 6 Vegas 9.0

8. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 8.2
11. Fight Night Round 3
17. Virtua Fighter 5

1: Port of a PC game that has been on the 360 quite sometime.
2: Port of an XBOX game...
3: Port of an 360 game that has been out quite sometime...
8: Multi-Platform port.
11. Same as above.
17. Lacking crucial features such as, oh, I don\'t know...ONLINE PLAY? Yes, the very thing that the 360 version will have.

And that\'s just the start of the problem with your post, let\'s look at some other problems.

Look at the games, not even remotely the same target demographic audience. I truly doubt anyone who wanted a PS3 decided they would go ahead and buy a Wii instead due to price. These are two different audiences you are trying to compare.

You\'re trolling at this point, and while I don\'t expect you to get banned due to this being a PS forum, you are at the very least, making yourself look like a tool by posting stuff such as " I will debunk the myth". It\'s a videogame console for christ\'s sake.
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2007, 10:46:40 AM »
Again...go outside and meet some girls, dude. Get out of your room and go play football with some friends or something. If you don\'t have friends...go make some. And no, this doesn\'t mean play virtual football with online friends. Go outside and let the sun actually shed some UV\'s on your skin for the first time in years.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 10:49:21 AM by Evi »

Offline clowd
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2007, 10:49:30 AM »
The truth hurts,  doesn\'t it.

First off, Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a PS3 exclusive
I\'m not sure if you know this or not,  but there is some people out there who do not own a MS 360.  Most of your reply is based on whether the PS3 games were available on the 360.  That\'s not the point.  Don\'t try to make it the point.  And that\'s just 5 games out of 22.  Take those 5 out and you still have more than the Wii.

The point is ,  as I proved and you cannot dissaprove,  that the PS3 has a solid lineup of games better than that of the Nintendo Wii.  The rumor being debunked is that PS3 has no good games and the Wii is full of good games.

who cares if the Wii has a different audience.  Game ratings don\'t lie.  Right now the PS3 has more than twice as many games rated 8.0 and highe than the Wii.  FACT. FACT. FACT.
I feel sorry for you,  I really do.  You sound like someone who took MS\'s rush to market a year early bait.

EDIT:  Evi, for someone who has 8,000 posts and spends much more time at this board than me LOL LOL
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 10:51:03 AM by clowd »

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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2007, 10:51:10 AM »
You sound like you live in your mom\'s basement. Go outside. Seriously. Go have some fun today. Catch a movie. Bump into some females. Chat up a conversation. Take a hike. Plan a vacation. Get off the freaking computer. Like Raz said, you\'re making yourself out to sound like a tool. What you\'re doing isn\'t healthy. You need to find a hobby. Your well-being depends on it.

Offline Raz The Friggin Grea
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2007, 11:02:35 AM »
Quote from: clowd
The truth hurts,  doesn\'t it.

First off, Ninja Gaiden Sigma is a PS3 exclusive
I\'m not sure if you know this or not,  but there is some people out there who do not own a MS 360.  Most of your reply is based on whether the PS3 games were available on the 360.  That\'s not the point.  Don\'t try to make it the point.  And that\'s just 5 games out of 22.  Take those 5 out and you still have more than the Wii.

The point is ,  as I proved and you cannot dissaprove,  that the PS3 has a solid lineup of games better than that of the Nintendo Wii.  The rumor being debunked is that PS3 has no good games and the Wii is full of good games.

who cares if the Wii has a different audience.  Game ratings don\'t lie.  Right now the PS3 has more than twice as many games rated 8.0 and highe than the Wii.  FACT. FACT. FACT.
I feel sorry for you,  I really do.  You sound like someone who took MS\'s rush to market a year early bait.

EDIT:  Evi, for someone who has 8,000 posts and spends much more time at this board than me LOL LOL

Sigma is a port. It\'s an enhanced port. Nothing more, don\'t try and make it out to be more than it is.

And target audience does matter. You\'re on a board with adults / teenagers, most of who say the PS3 is lacking good exclusive games at this point. They are not jumping up and down screaming for the Wii either. You act as if this board has turned pro-Wii when it hasn\'t. Infact, I would bet, if you would remove your head from your ass, you\'d find plenty of posts saying that the Wii is also lacking good games at this point. The only difference is two things....

Target audience.

No, the truth does not "hurt". Why? Because we are not all tools. Some of us realize it\'s just videogames. It\'s not a life or death situation as you are treating it. At the end of the day, I don\'t get money from any given company if they do well. So guess what? I don\'t care which company sells the most units, all I care about is which company delivers games that I find appealing.

Game ratings don\'t lie.

Yes, yes they do. They\'re published opinion . Nothing more.

How old are you? Part of me hopes you\'re some kid around 12, but at the same time I hate to think a mind of that age is already wasted..The other part of me hates to think you\'re an adult acting like a 12 year old. You are on a PS2 board and getting called a troll, doesn\'t that strike you as odd?
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2007, 11:22:29 AM »
clowd, you have way too much spare time. Have you ever thought about doing crack or masturbating?
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2007, 11:46:38 AM »
I care about 1, maybe 2 of those games that I can\'t find at a cheaper source.  Not worth shelling out 600 for it.  *yawn*

Opinion hurts, doesn\'t it.
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2007, 11:50:11 AM »
plus all of those titles are mostly sports games, which come out every year. so common sense tells me that the ps3 would eventually get a library of games in just one year.

the problem is exclusives right now. Why spend 200 bucks more to play the same games. And yes, im not buying an elite, hd-dvd player, etc etc, so it is in fact cheaper than a ps3 for me
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2007, 12:19:15 PM »
heh i like clowd, and to be honest he\'s no different than those xbox loyalists on the other side,(pstwo)...but clowd you\'re borderlining on obsession with this, that list of ps3 games regarless of what it was rated is still lacking to me, the only game that i would probably pick up is ninja gaiden, i guess it\'s mostly because i only prefer adventure/action/horror/sports titles...i\'m not into 1st person shooters....

And i really hate to echo Raz\'s points, but i agree with everything he stated, and even tho i think the wii is garbage with it\'s wand and gimmicky games,(a trend that i feel will die rather sooner than later) nintendo has always stayed true to their base audience, which is for the younger set, yea they have a few mature rated games in their camp, but for the most part they are geared to the younger generation,....

Sony fumbled all over the place with their launch and they got rid of Ken Kutari because of his lack to secure exclusives for the system and because of his over ambitious stance towards his view of the ps3,...it was stated that he wanted to even add more stuff to the ps3, and the people at sony had to pull rank on him, sony is seriously lucky that the ps2 and their movie divisions are doing pretty well cause they were deep in the black when it comes to the ps3....

So ultimately for me those games you listed may have gotten decent ratings, but the library that the ps3 has still doesn\'t warrant a purchase from me...that and the fact that $600 is still a steep price to be payin\' for any console...
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 12:22:41 PM by clips »
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2007, 12:36:53 PM »
No worse?  He\'s a lot worse than pstwo

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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2007, 12:41:09 PM »
Quote from: Bozco
No worse?  He\'s a lot worse than pstwo

yea,...that\'s tru...i mean pstwo would come in here with pics of games for the xbox and brag about it, but he never really took it to the level that clowd is doin\' right now...
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2007, 12:42:09 PM »
This is console discussion,  is it not Raz?  You discuss consoles here.  I come back after months of hibernation and post 2 topics,  reviving a forum that was spiraling toward death because of it\'s lame posters who refuse to show any sort of favoritism toward a console because they\'re worried about their \'online\' reputation and all I get is I don\'t want to hear it and your obsessed. lol

I should\'ve realized I\'m in what is basicly a 90% xbox 360 fanboy forum and any subject that gives the PS3 props will be taken over by trolls

The intention of the original post was to show that PS3 had more games rated higher than the Wii despite the myth that the Wii has more games and the PS3 doesn\'t have any.  I was going to give just the facts and say \'you make your own conclusion\',  but I didn\'t,  but I should have considering the rabibd 360 fanboys here.

And the next time someone with 10,000 posts says I have too much free time on my hands I\'m going to barf all over my keyboard

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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2007, 01:11:18 PM »
Quote from: clowd
And the next time someone with 10,000 posts says I have too much free time on my hands I\'m going to barf all over my keyboard

too funny :laughing: and those of you with 10,000 posts know who you are! ;) ...clowd i\'m with you as far as ps3 bein my console of choice, but the way you\'re comin\' across seems really forced.....on the flip side of that tho, i noticed that when some postive news do come in the form of ps3 that some do notice the hate it receives, well gman does anyway, but i guess that\'s not really sayin\' much.....j/k gman..;)

But that is really just lookin\' too deep into this...for every discussion you\'re goin to have somebody with a different view, you\'re always going to have a direct positive to a direct negative with some shades of grey in between...just don\'t take this thing too seriously...and even tho you don\'t have 10,000 posts you\'re slightly comin\' off as one of those guys that hold up those signs at k-mart or walmart on the side of the road describin\' a huge sale, only you\'re sign states.."ps3 is the greatest console ever"
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 01:14:33 PM by clips »
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Debunking the \'PS3 has no games\' myth
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2007, 01:31:38 PM »
it\'s like this,  clips.  When I posted the PGR4 thread I did so to try and validate,  to some extent,  bluray in the PS3.

Then came the haters.  NVIDIA came in and started flaming me.  Raz followed right along.  Then one night I ranted in a post about the 360.  I guess that really ticked them off.  If they wanted to they could easily rant on the PS3 about alot of things but they are afraid to show their true feelings.

I am taking the console war too seriously,  but am I any worst then those who flame and curse me out for doing so?

I\'m just sick and  tired of hearing PS3 has no games PS3 has no games when that\'s obviously not true.  But like I mentioned in the first paragraph of the first post,  PS3 having an OK lineup of games DOES NOT mean it is worth $600.  I just wanted to prove it had games.  Am I too much into the \'console war\'?  Yes.  Spending any amount of time on youtube looking into it will drive you up the wall.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaNh-NPkeAA
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 01:34:35 PM by clowd »


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