You are not looking at the big picture. The price of oil is a big reason our economy is hurting now. It isn\'t as bad as you and others would like to portray, but it isn\'t the healthiest either. Unfortunately, no one has a solid solution to get us off of foreign oil. We have oil here, but the tree huggers won\'t let us get it. That Leiberman environmental bill was shit! If that bill would have gone through we would be paying 6 or 7 dollars a gallon for gas because it would have increased the tax on fuel. This is why democrats suck. They want to tax people to death and pump that money into worthless government programs that benefit no one. The Republicans have sort of fallen into this trap and that is why the so many Republicans are fed up with Bush and Congress. This used to be the big difference between the parties.
If you look at Obama\'s plan to tax the hell out of capital gains and other market related stuff, the stock market is going to crash and the economy will follow making this current economy look fantastic. Even Hillary was against his huge tax increases because she knows what will happen.
Sure the banks knew about ARM\'s, but why is it the governments responsibility to protect people from their own stupidity? If Bear Sterns went under, a lot of the other major financial institutions would follow and then everyone would be fucked. The problem that you and some others have clips is your lack of knowledge and vision for the big picture when it comes to the economy. I am no economist, but I do know the basics and Obama\'s current policies will be terrible for our economy, yes it can get worse. Much worse.
This is where I have a HUGE problem with Obama. His economic policies mean more big government, more taxes and more spending on worthless shit.
See? i can respect this,..instead of you talkin\' like a moonbat,.. gave clear reasons why you feel the way you do towards Obama...that said tho,...from what i understand in listening to him,..and it\'s true that i don\'t fully understand that capital gains stuff,..but from what he stated was just that he was going to make sure that those that are wealthy or well off will end up paying higher taxes since they can take the hit and wouldn\'t be bothered by it...while still keeping tax cuts for the middleclass...
I understand that oil is a huge factor as well and i\'m assuming that some price manipulation is at hand,...these people in the oil business are acting like china,india and other third world countries are buliding a mini-city a day, and that is clearly not the case...another thing is that some nut in israel talks about attacking iran and that makes the oil price go from 130.00 a barrel to 138.00 a barrel?...yes iran is the 2nd largest supplier of oil, but still...just because somebody says something to me is just some bulls**t way to jack the price up...
I do know that with the gov\'t cutting the interest rate in order to help 1st time buyers buy new homes have also crippled the dollar,..and with the u.s. cutting it\'s rates, crazy as it sounds it\'s actually better for the u.s. to have an overall high interest rate, because of foreign investors and wealthy investors,..from what i understand these investors have pulled their money from the u.s. because of the low interest return and have invested in other countries where they get higher revenue for the money, with the u.s. trying to solve the housing problem with these record low rates, it\'s also crippled the dollar, for the time-being it\'s almost like a lose-lose situation.
And until the economy bounces back, again i feel that whoever is the next prez has to raise taxes somewhere,..i mean i\'m no economist either, but i at least know that.