We have a winner.
While I wouldn\'t go so far as to say they "don\'t care" cause I\'m sure they do, this is just a job interview, and they are trying to look as good as possible to the person doing the interview (the media).
I can honestly say that I truly believe they don\'t care. They are already rich. They\'re set for life. This is just a job interview and something to stroke the ego. Kind of like when your a kid, you want to be President , not because you care, but because it\'d be "cool".
The only difference is, this election is more a media circus than ever. We had a female and African American trying to be the Democratic nominee. Now we have an African American winning that, so the Republican party turns around and gets a woman for the VP nominee and if that isn\'t enough, they get a woman who has scandals and family issues. It\'s all one big media circus that has now turned into a fucking soap opera. Does Obama believe what his previous pastor preached? Is Palin\'s daughter a slut? Does McCain have memory issues? The list just goes on and on. Give me a fuckin\' break. I\'m glad we only do this shit once every four years, because not only does it bring the worse out in people (see: the constant bickering among Clips / Giga and others), but it is also just flat out absurd.