Clinton was a great prez, and he\'s right in what he states in that interview,...people vote for a candidate for a variety of reasons.....but i can\'t agree with Bill on the issue of hillary and Obama,..if you were voting for hillary, then all of a sudden you\'re votin\' for palin because she\'s a woman? shallow is that? when you reach a certain threshold in your life or when you\'re well off, you stop votin\' for people that you feel might actually help the country, and instead you vote on such shallow standards?
I\'m not believing that,.... if hillary voters that are switching to McCain/Palin because of Palin,...i know otherwise,\'s simply because Obama is black,..everybody likes to pussyfoot around that issue....Obama & hillary had just about thee exact same policies,....there\'s no reason to switch...if hillary was the nominee i would\'ve voted for her with no problem...i like Bill, but he can\'t even put his full support behind Obama, he\'s still holding a grudge because Hillary lost....he needs to stop acting like that and support the democratic nominee with a bit more ethusiasm.