I mean if some of you really think "I have money so I can go to the doctor and poor people can just go die," then that\'s your view point.
My message to the poor. Don\'t beg for money, get a job. I understand that the job market isn\'t great, but how about becoming a waiter or working in retail until you get a better job. It\'s not glamorous, but I\'d respect your efforts.
I\'ve been working since I was 14. I have never had anything spoon fed to me. Just about everything I own I worked for. I spent two years working in child care when I was 14 so that I could buy myself a computer. I spent my college years bartending and waiting tables so I could pay for college so I could get a better job.
Stop crying about there being nothing they can do. I was poor, I\'ve been there, I\'ve experienced it. The fact of the matter is the poor in this country feel they have a sense of entitlement. I know its just a movie, but watch the pursuit of happiness. If you put in the time and effort, you can overcome poverty.