I can only hope things get bad enough where Texas and few other states can leave the shell that once was America. Before you say "seeya" remember Texas has the 2nd largest economy in the US and most of the refining capability. Obama has increased the size and power of the Federal Government beyond what is stated in the Constitution. We are also a donor state - meaning we give our gas tax to the federal government so they can give it to crap states like the ones in the north east build and maintain their roads and bridges. If you think my feelings are off track, the governor of Texas said recently Texas has the right to seceed and Oklahoma is passing a bill reaffirming their states rights. People are sick of the goverment spending money on worthless social programs that have no return.
Yea and Mexico would invade your ass and take it back. lol
See the prior attempt at this, which resulted in the Civil War. I really doubt the nation has changed to such an extent as to now allow states to secede should the whim strike them. Not to mention they got beat into submission like a hard headed housewife.
You\'d have two options:
1) Steal everything that is government owned and use that to start out your new Nation. However you\'d have to deal with the repercussions of stealing from the U.S. which would most likely involve a severe military reaction.
2) Use strictly your own resources to start your nation without the aid of any other country in a world-wide economic depression while most likely fending off economic, political, and military attacks from multiple threats.
I don\'t see how you\'d be able to survive. Either way you\'re fucked.
By all means, secede and keep that moron governor Perry to yourselves.