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Author Topic: One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?  (Read 10954 times)

Offline §ôµÏG®ïñD

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Re: Games alone will NOT save the PS2
« Reply #45 on: December 26, 2000, 08:36:02 PM »
Originally posted by daemon_root
I\'ve been reading your replies to this post and I discovered you only talk about games.

Umm thats what the system is about. Games man.. Did u buy the ps2 thinking you could use it as a printer?


The electronic industry will NOT settle for a gaming console only, but nowadays it demands more..
Umm they will if they know its only ment too be for GAMING.


The through nature of the console should be a central upgradeable unit which can provide Entertainment like playing games, home cinema, but also more serious tasks as running Office Suits...
PS2 = Games and Home cinema. But running office suites?.. Umm ok :rolleyes:

Electronic agenda\'s, Email&WAP applications like
groupWise, Multiple Operating System support. The whole concept of 1 console doing various tasks at the same time was the true concept of the Playstation, but Sony could never calculate so much dissapointments at the some time.. Incompatible software due to bad and Louzy programming which is entirely the responsibility of the Game design industry.
Yea sony wanted a system that could do more then 1 task. But they didn\'t want a pc man. Get a pc if your after all this other crap.

Nor the lack of the materials needed the build the console which causes too much delays on the market.
Every console has some delays man.. It\'s never gonna change.  

The only way out now is start rapidly deploying some other projects like Connectivity to the net, and work around the demands of the E-Commerce.
LOL good one man.. Sonys support is high enough already they don\'t have too get out of anything.

This war could only be won when the REAL supporters of this console would help making this product more serious instead of whinning and complaining when the new version of Tekken will be released.....
So the real 75 million supports of psx made it win.. LOL good one man. Its about games.. Psx had the MOST and best games.. So it came ahead. If it was as u say.. N64 or Saturn would have won easily. Because they already had fan support at the start.

Sony has Full developer support. Great Usersupport. There not gonna fail man.. Its not a pc man.. Its a GAMING CONSOLE.

[Edited by §ôµÏG®ïñD on 12-26-2000 at 11:41 PM]
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  

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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #46 on: December 26, 2000, 08:45:29 PM »
I want to add one more thing.

You want all that..GET AN INDREAMA! NOT A PS2!

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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #47 on: December 26, 2000, 10:05:47 PM »
well people i sit here and laugh to myself after reading some of these replies. 1st of all dreamcast doesnt have a prayer in this war of consoles not a prayer! no sports games out there can top easports period. ive played dreamcast and it dont have as good graphics or game speed as ps2.so it was shot out of the water even before making the point about not  being a dvd player.ps2 totally blows dreamcast away, fact!
now x-box may be the only contender, and i repeat may, but i serously doubt it.gamecube wont fly just as dreamcast didnt. ps2 is the best gaming console to date, no if, ands or buts!it is fact, it sold as soon as it hit the stores and people are paying up to $1000 and are totaly saticified! now facts are facts ,you cant argue facts, i mean grass is green and water is wet no matter how much you disagree its fact. same goes for ps2 ,its the best so far period. when it comes to graphics, gameplay and the fact its a dvd player, no other even compares so far and that is fact!
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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #48 on: December 26, 2000, 10:34:36 PM »
Ok kewlkev,I better eat your post word for word before someone else does...

well people i sit here and laugh to myself after reading some of these replies

Well it should interest you to know that I found your reply the most hilarious in PSX2Central history.Yes,you have the honor of being a funny dumb ass,take a bow kid.:)

1st of all dreamcast doesnt have a prayer in this war of consoles not a prayer!

Yes it does(I\'m trying very hard not to flame this guy,bare with me).With over 3 million people constantly supporting, it will be around for another 2 years.Making it a successful console.Sure it won\'t win,but it won\'t fail.

no sports games out there can top easports period.

ROLF****INGMAO!!!!Are you actually being serious?If you are then I suggest jumping off a cliff,you won\'t make it through life with that intelligence.

Yes someone will mention to me that this is his opinion,his biased insane opinion is the correct term.I own a DC(for 2 days and counting),I have NFL2K and NBA2K(and THPS2 but I\'ll leave it out of the picture for now)(got the sports bundle,what a surprise).These are honestly the best sports games that I have ever played.The amount of realism is amazing.EA sports games are always un-realistic and easy. These games are more complexe and challenging.Trust me, EA sports suck hairy penis compared to Sega Sports.Anyone desagree?I doubt it.

ive played dreamcast and it dont have as good graphics or game speed as ps2

Are you playing the old games or the new games cause the new ones are very much on par with PS2 graphics.:)

so it was shot out of the water even before making the point about not being a dvd player

....I\'ll leave you alone on that.Mainly because you don\'t make any sense.:)

ps2 totally blows dreamcast away, fact!

Fact?Opinion is the word your searching for.In my opinion DC blows away PS2 in every catagorie there is.

now x-box may be the only contender, and i repeat may, but i serously doubt it.

Why do you think this?Please tell me,I want another good laugh.

gamecube wont fly just as dreamcast didnt

Why do you think this?N64 sold over 35 million units,surely most of those people will return to buy a GameCube.So how could you possibly think this way?

ps2 is the best gaming console to date, no if, ands or buts!it is fact

LOL!Another twisted opinion by yourself!PS2 is an over rated,over hyped,,over heating,and over priced DVD player at the moment.Soon it will get better,but now its not worth the money.

it sold as soon as it hit the stores

Wow so did N64 for the first two months.Big ****ing deal. Every system does.

and people are paying up to $1000 and are totaly saticified!

There has never been anyone who paid over 800 for their PS2,FACT.What are you trying to prove?

now facts are facts ,you cant argue facts.i mean grass is green and water is wet no matter how much you disagree its fact.

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.You have only stated your opinion and nothing but your opinion.Your opinion is not a fact,never.*insert flame here*

same goes for ps2 ,its the best so far period. when it comes to graphics, gameplay and the fact its a dvd player

1.GameCube and X-Box will have far superior graphics than PS2.
2.Far better gameplay.(not X-Box,and I am aware that this is my opinion,no quotes anyone)
3.There are cheap,and higher quality DVD players out there.

[/quote] no other even compares so far and that is fact![/quote]
Its not a fact,its another one of your twisted opinions. ITS NOT FACT.NOTHING YOU SAID IN YOUR POST WAS FACT,IT WAS YOUR OPINION,nothing more nothing less.

I suggest you think before you post next time dood.

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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #49 on: December 27, 2000, 12:05:35 AM »

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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #50 on: December 27, 2000, 06:02:20 AM »
Originally posted by AVG25

TheOneBillyGunn, I here what you are saying but I\'m going to have to disagree.  I think DC will survive for some time to come.  As far as PS2 goes, I think it will do well but it will not have the huge market dominance the PS1 had.  And again, I think the XBox will cause a huge splash.  It has an impressive amount of announced developers and it will eventually have almost every developer working for it that PS2 has.  The powerful 250 Mhz NV2A GPU and the Hard Drive will make this baby hard to resist.  With such huge developer support (strong rumors of Squaresoft and EA is already on board) and the 500 million dollar marketing campaign, there is no way, IMO, that XBox will fail (unless if MS tries to launch the system at $599.99).

You are so wrong what about the casual gamer(Which Sony already has intact).  They do not give a damn about some stupid hardrive, they will barely use the hardrive.  ThQ has already announced they will not do online play for wrestling games.  They haven\'t announced why, but I know, it\'s the casual gamer that worries them.  Do not get me started on developers Sony has over 350 developers already in tact, that\'s why they released new development kits because they want all of them to make games for them.  Do you really think Sony gives a damn about Square developing games for X-Box "NO", why because Square will have more exclusives on the PS2.  That\'s all I hear Square this, Square that.  Do they give a **** about you.....

It doesn\'t come down to specs, hardrive, etc, it\'s all about the games.  Casual gamers do not want anything revolutionary.
Proud Owner of the Playstation 2, futrue Owner of Nintendo\'s Gamecube.

Sony vs. Nintendo Round 2

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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #51 on: December 27, 2000, 10:29:19 AM »

Offline daemon_root
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Re: Re: Games alone will NOT save the PS2
« Reply #52 on: December 27, 2000, 10:42:11 AM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
Originally posted by daemon_root
I\'ve been reading your replies to this post and I discovered you only talk about games.

Umm thats what the system is about. Games man.. Did u buy the ps2 thinking you could use it as a printer?

Nope.. that\'s NOT what the system is about.. did you read the whitepapers on the PS2 project? The entire system concept is/was creating 1 console that could create a 3d multitasking environment where multiple tasks like running entertainment but also has a professional media support.


PS2 = Games and Home cinema.
But running office suites?.. Umm ok

Jep.. in technical terms a simple mail client or messenger also falls under (Home)Office suites and if you had read the whitepapers on Packetstorm you should know that they already working on a PS2 browser and Messenger... a Presentation suite for E-Commerce. :-)


Electronic agenda\'s, Email&WAP applications like
groupWise, Multiple Operating System support. The whole concept of 1 console doing various tasks at the same time was the true concept of the Playstation, but Sony could never calculate so much dissapointments at the some time.. Incompatible software due to bad and Louzy programming which is entirely the responsibility of the Game design industry.
Yea sony wanted a system that could do more then 1 task. But they didn\'t want a pc man. Get a pc if your after all this other crap.

Nor the lack of the materials needed the build the console which causes too much delays on the market.
Every console has some delays man.. It\'s never gonna change.  


Sony has Full developer support. Great Usersupport. There not gonna fail man.. Its not a pc man.. Its a GAMING CONSOLE.

Good Dev support? not really.. otherwise explains why some many game developing companies how to adapt their product about 38 times to make it compatible with the PS2...  The PS2 is a Personal Computer.. it\'s made to be compatible with the user? Why do you think the PS2 Harddrive, FireWire Modem support, The WAP and Mobile phone support, The USB Keyboard, Mouse connectors are for? not for some extra options for gameplay.. :-)

Facts: The game industry can make 26.302 US dollars per minute...  The E-Bizz can maken 98.370 US dolars per minute... where do you think Sony is going for? :-)

PS: Did ya get Ghost allready? grin :-)


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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #53 on: December 27, 2000, 12:42:27 PM »
well old jumpman got alittle jumpy there. lol. whats amatter boy ya gotta terd cross ways? n64 never gave ps any competition , ps sold twice  the consoles.fact! dreamcast sucks bigtime and i played NFL2K1 ,game sucked compared to PS2 Madden2001. My neighbor ,who has DC and the game, is always wanting to play me or my son on our PS2 Madden2001. He told my son he didnt like his DC now that he seen PS2. and trust me theres thousands more just like him. so boy you need to get your head out of your little ass and wake up to reality son !
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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #54 on: December 27, 2000, 01:15:21 PM »

A website dedicated purely to game reviews.  If you have a minute during your busy hatefilled day, I\'d appreciate it if you\'d mosey on over and do a search for both NFL2k1 and Madden 2001.  Then I\'d like you to look at a compiled list of reviews for both titles.  Reviews from unbiased, multi-platform sites like EGM, Gamers Republic, Next Gen, Gamefan, etc etc.  Got it?  Good.  Now I\'d like you to notice that, overall, NFL2k1 has a higher rating that Madden 2001.  Better yet, MSNBC posted a review of the two titles that lists NFL2k1 as the superior game visually (because of it\'s character models).  You know what?  You\'re not going to do that - I know you won\'t.  So, here are the two specific links.

NFL2k1: 96 http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/3405.asp
Madden 2001: 91 http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/3403.asp

Ouch.  That stings.

When you\'re done with that, maybe you\'d like to consider not being so harsh towards the Dreamcast.  It\'s really uncalled for.  Now then, I\'ve given you a link from game reviewing professionals - people who judge games for a living - listing NFL2k1 as being at least comparable to Madden 2001.  I\'d appreciate a link from you showing that Madden blows it away or that the Dreamcast sucks "bigtime".  Until you provide that link, then I see your post as nothing but opinion - which is completely worthless.  Hell, I could have the "opinion" that QB Club is better than Madden or that Spawn on PSX is better than Final Fantasy 9... see?  Absolutely worthless and having no merit whatsoever.  Your other option is to start badgering the editors and webmasters of all those sites and reminding them of how much Dreamcast sucks bigtime and how much EA Sports blows Sega sports away.

I proved my point.  Now prove me wrong.

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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #55 on: December 27, 2000, 01:48:57 PM »
let me tell you something there  ktulu or whatever your name is, your telling me thats just my opinion but you want me to go to a couple of websites and take their opinion as fact? you freakin idiot,you can find websites all day on opinions favoring both games or both consoles for that matter dum ass. im judging from personal experience not someone elses word and dreamcast aint even close to PS2,gamacube or X-box. theyre all 3 way out of dreamcasts league. The big debate is between them 3 not dreamcast with its skinny ass players in NFL2K1. Whats wrong with you boy!?!
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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #56 on: December 27, 2000, 02:15:38 PM »
LOL koolkev,you flamed me(a pittyful attempt I might add), that was a huge mistake.But I shouldn\'t go to hard on you, after all,you are only another dumb **** newbie talking **** with no facts to back you up.:)

well old jumpman got alittle jumpy there. lol.

What are you,a red-neck?You sure sound like one.No offense.

n64 never gave ps any competition , ps sold twice the consoles.fact!

WOW koolKunt you actually made a real fact!Congradulation idiot!But what the **** did that have to do with what we were talking about?NOTHING.It was just more mindless rambling.

 [/quote] dreamcast sucks bigtime and i played NFL2K1 ,game sucked compared to PS2 Madden2001[/quote]
That is your opinion,not everyone elses.It means nothing, I think NFL2K is 10X better than any Madden game to date,but hey thats just my unbiased opinion.

My neighbor ,who has DC and the game, is always wanting to play me or my son on our PS2 Madden2001.

LOL!You have a son?For your age you are one dumb mutha ****a.I\'m 14 and old enough to out-smart you!This is hilarious!You should feel pretty discouraged now.

Back to what you said-wow my friends are always begging me to play NFL2K and NBA2K.And one of my friends has PS2 and admits that NFL2K is better gameplay wise than Madden 2001 for PS2.

He told my son he didnt like his DC now that he seen PS2. and trust me theres thousands more just like him.

Trust a biased Sony fanboy like you?I take anyones word over yours fool.How do you know there are more like him? Answer-you don\'t.Just another dumb ass assumptions by yourself.How many is that now?

so boy you need to get your head out of your little ass and wake up to reality son !

LOL!I still can\'t get over the fact that you have a son! What a freaking retard he must be if he\'s anything like his dad.

I\'ll leave you alone with Ktulu,koolkev.He is also capable of making you look like a  complete idiot.Hell anyone is with your intelligence.



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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #57 on: December 27, 2000, 02:48:55 PM »
hey jumpboy, i really seem to be pissin you off, oh well. lol. you wanna talk trash about my 8 yr old son? he could probably kick your wimpy ass. your probably one of them fags that like little boys though. well back to the subject of console war. PS2 is the best and Dreamcast sux!   and that is proven fact! Now im not sure about x-box or the cube yet, but it sure looks like cube may fall behind ,as did dreamcast, because it lacks dvd capabilities and that is a must! FACT! so it is between x-box and PS2 . case closed ,its all facts!
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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #58 on: December 27, 2000, 03:05:36 PM »
Why don\'t you be a man and reply without flames.

your telling me thats just my opinion but you want me to go to a couple of websites and take their opinion as fact? you freakin idiot,you can find websites all day on opinions favoring both games or both consoles for that matter dum ass

Funny thing there.  That website I gave you lists an OVERALL ranking for the games based on the main websites.  Not just one or two here and there.  That\'s the main one.  ALL OF THEM.  Understand?  You gave me your hatah attitude about Dreamcast sucking, and I provided you with a link proving otherwise.  Now, you can either flame me again, or raise yourself up and give me a link proving me wrong.  Come on.  Show me some professionals in the industry that share your view that Madden blows NFL2k1 away - or that the Dreamcast sucks.  Until you do: you\'ll just have to go to sleep tonight knowing that you are wrong.  Dreamcast does not suck... Madden does not "blow" NFL2k1 away.  FACT.  

There\'s a difference between defending your own console and attacking another.  Maybe you should look into it.  I just don\'t understand why people have to behave like jackasses and flame consoles like that.

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One Sentence Answers - Will Playstation 2 win the console war and why/why not ?
« Reply #59 on: December 27, 2000, 03:19:10 PM »
ktulu, i told you in that other forum ,LOL, im just stirrin up excitement(or trouble) dont be offended, im just being ornery. im new on this forum and when i 1st arrived i read old forums and got a kick outta how pissed off people got.LOL, i couldnt believe it,LOL. but i have to settle down cause im upsettin  people and offending people. Its unbelievable how upset people get over stupid stuff like what freakin game is best! LOL.                                                                                                         oh and p.s. PS2 is the BEST, LOL.
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