Ok kewlkev,I better eat your post word for word before someone else does...
well people i sit here and laugh to myself after reading some of these replies
Well it should interest you to know that I found your reply the most hilarious in PSX2Central history.Yes,you have the honor of being a funny dumb ass,take a bow kid.

1st of all dreamcast doesnt have a prayer in this war of consoles not a prayer!
Yes it does(I\'m trying very hard not to flame this guy,bare with me).With over 3 million people constantly supporting, it will be around for another 2 years.Making it a successful console.Sure it won\'t win,but it won\'t fail.
no sports games out there can top easports period.
ROLF****INGMAO!!!!Are you actually being serious?If you are then I suggest jumping off a cliff,you won\'t make it through life with that intelligence.
Yes someone will mention to me that this is his opinion,his biased insane opinion is the correct term.I own a DC(for 2 days and counting),I have NFL2K and NBA2K(and THPS2 but I\'ll leave it out of the picture for now)(got the sports bundle,what a surprise).These are honestly the best sports games that I have ever played.The amount of realism is amazing.EA sports games are always un-realistic and easy. These games are more complexe and challenging.Trust me, EA sports suck hairy penis compared to Sega Sports.Anyone desagree?I doubt it.
ive played dreamcast and it dont have as good graphics or game speed as ps2
Are you playing the old games or the new games cause the new ones are very much on par with PS2 graphics.

so it was shot out of the water even before making the point about not being a dvd player
....I\'ll leave you alone on that.Mainly because you don\'t make any sense.

ps2 totally blows dreamcast away, fact!
Opinion is the word your searching for.In my opinion DC blows away PS2 in every catagorie there is.
now x-box may be the only contender, and i repeat may, but i serously doubt it.
Why do you think this?Please tell me,I want another good laugh.
gamecube wont fly just as dreamcast didnt
Why do you think this?N64 sold over 35 million units,surely most of those people will return to buy a GameCube.So how could you possibly think this way?
ps2 is the best gaming console to date, no if, ands or buts!it is fact
LOL!Another twisted opinion by yourself!PS2 is an over rated,over hyped,,over heating,and over priced DVD player
at the moment.Soon it will get better,but now its not worth the money.
it sold as soon as it hit the stores
Wow so did N64 for the first two months.Big ****ing deal. Every system does.
and people are paying up to $1000 and are totaly saticified!
There has never been anyone who paid over 800 for their PS2,FACT.What are you trying to prove?
now facts are facts ,you cant argue facts.i mean grass is green and water is wet no matter how much you disagree its fact.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.You have only stated your opinion and nothing but your opinion.Your opinion is not a fact,never.*insert flame here*
same goes for ps2 ,its the best so far period. when it comes to graphics, gameplay and the fact its a dvd player
1.GameCube and X-Box will have far superior graphics than PS2.
2.Far better gameplay.(not X-Box,and I am aware that this is my opinion,no quotes anyone)
3.There are cheap,and higher quality DVD players out there.
[/quote] no other even compares so far and that is fact![/quote]
Its not a fact,its another one of your twisted opinions. ITS NOT FACT.NOTHING YOU SAID IN YOUR POST WAS FACT,IT WAS YOUR OPINION,nothing more nothing less.
I suggest you think before you post next time dood.