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Author Topic: Why do people hate PS2?..  (Read 5108 times)

Offline AlteredBeast
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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2001, 01:47:38 PM »
N-Player, you are an idiot.

1) does the TTT intro look anything CLOSE to looking like the game? Hell no, the intro looks near real life, the game, not nearly as good.

2) A revolutionary design? hahaha so it was meant to make developers make really sucky games in the beginning, so years down the road, if they have any money left, they can produce one or two good games. A revolutionary design would be one that would let you take full advantage of the power without sacrificing any of the resources. AA for PS2 = sacrificing polys.

3) How about having a design that let\'s developers not sacrifice anything?

4) whats this thingy on my DC? oh yeah, its a bb!

5) yay.

6) X-Box pictures = not on finished hardware. PS2 equals second gen. hmmm if they only look a tad better, that is not too good.

7) yay.

8) yeah, you know I loved Rayman 2, Doa2, MDK2, etc the FIRST time I played them! Also, you know I love fireworks sims et al.

X-Box is dead before it launches? That\'s nice, by Konami nonetheless, after all, they are the BEST developer :rollseyes:

Yes, PS2 will probably beat X-Box with a nice margin in Japan, but I don\'t recall living in Japan. The support is there, many japanese developers have signed on, and some of the best American devs too.

take a deep breath. You are a fanboy. You are scared of what X-Box might bring. You used to hate Sony (I remember your gay crap), you may change again.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2001, 01:50:52 PM »
Originally posted by Darth Joyda
I kinda didn\'t expect a post like this from a member with a troll-pic... I don\'t even know why you have that pic, but anyways...

You\'re over-reacting here, as saying "People hate Ps2" is wrong. Many ppl love ps2, but there, of course ( like always ) are biased fanboys who hate Sony and Playstation 2. Blah blah...

These discussions have been discussed SO many times ;)

I\'ve also noticed your very positive attitude towards PS2 and games of the console. I wonder, have you changed or why you still have that troll-pic? Have you always been like that? Why your name is N-player while you say PS2 almost beats GC in graphics? Sorry for these questions. You don\'t have to answer, but your words just don\'t suit your name :)

And asking why ppl hate PS2 in THIS forum is kinda worthless. Not many here HATE ps2. Some may dislike it, or like some console more, but HATE is maybe too strong word.

I was thinking the same thing, although this thread is a bit controversial, he doesn\'t flame or bash anything for that matter, and I can\'t remember him being all that trolly, maybe I\'m confusing him with someone else or something, but if not, I\'d say remove the troll pic!!!
i hope they all get aids and die they should bnt tbbe having sezx with just anyone they should be in love if theay are foing to have sex not just to make money I htink its wrong for them to just have sexzx for the fun of it specially when some of the performancs are married, its just wrong. tey are givng out deaseases to anyone and its just not right i tell you i think its really really wrong specially when tey have sex i dot whach porno though so im not sure what they do i dont theink theyr realy hjave sex its all just pretendnig but you never no what they do its just wrong speciallly when they dont even love each other its wrong i ell you in tsi just wrong. wtings owting wtrong wtongs wtongs. i dont like it. prlease explaions.

Offline Unicron!
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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2001, 02:11:13 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
N-Player, you are an idiot.

1) does the TTT intro look anything CLOSE to looking like the game? Hell no, the intro looks near real life, the game, not nearly as good.

2) A revolutionary design? hahaha so it was meant to make developers make really sucky games in the beginning, so years down the road, if they have any money left, they can produce one or two good games. A revolutionary design would be one that would let you take full advantage of the power without sacrificing any of the resources. AA for PS2 = sacrificing polys.

3) How about having a design that let\'s developers not sacrifice anything?

4) whats this thingy on my DC? oh yeah, its a bb!

5) yay.

6) X-Box pictures = not on finished hardware. PS2 equals second gen. hmmm if they only look a tad better, that is not too good.

7) yay.

8) yeah, you know I loved Rayman 2, Doa2, MDK2, etc the FIRST time I played them! Also, you know I love fireworks sims et al.

X-Box is dead before it launches? That\'s nice, by Konami nonetheless, after all, they are the BEST developer :rollseyes:

Yes, PS2 will probably beat X-Box with a nice margin in Japan, but I don\'t recall living in Japan. The support is there, many japanese developers have signed on, and some of the best American devs too.

take a deep breath. You are a fanboy. You are scared of what X-Box might bring. You used to hate Sony (I remember your gay crap), you may change again.

Eric Jacob

1)And TTT \'s CGI looks better than TEKKEN1\'s CGI,FFMOVIE looks better than FF9\'s CGI etc.The game doesnt much the into\'s quality but the ingame graphics look near CGI quality.So there is no point in you disagreement.

2)It\'s new design.Do you expect someone to be able to use something which he has never seen in his life?
If a homo sapien sees a car(which would be new to him) he wouldnt know how to use it so not taking  advandage its offerings.Unless he\'s got the brains:).
Ok this example is unrealistic but it gives the meaning of the arguement.
Dont expect people to understand from day one how to use something new.
Unlike the PS2 the XBOX(which you support) because of it ease to produce great graphics(supposely) thats what you are going to be seing.Nothing else.Its graphics you seem to support here not games.
Kojima said GC and XBOX will not offer anything new in games besides graphics.

3)Dont make dreams.We have what we need.Not what we dont need.I suppose you mean XBOX is perfect.

4)bb what?

5)well its true Sony had the idea from the first place.

6)We dont give a sh!t about your XBOX.Not final hardware blah blah blah.....I even wonder if the released XBOX will be full hardware.

8)U sound like an XBOX fanatic not like a PS2 owner.

Weak people become followers to the once that seem the strongest.Not the once that might be fair or right.
Weakness does not permit people to have the risk of challenging  more powerfull looking opponents.
They have the need to feel secure and the only way to feel this way is to become a follower to the strongest .COWARDNESS.

Are you one of those people Altered?Perhaps you are the one who is afraid?
Dont mess with psychologists.

Offline Ashford
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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2001, 02:11:58 PM »
Ummmm, excuse me??? Don\'t you judge me by my number of posts. WTF does that prove? I started gaming X # of posts ago??? Or that I don\'t hang around the forums for 16 hours a day, adding a post every 45 seconds??? Gimme a break.

4MB, 8MB, 32MB, who cares? This thread didn\'t start with me proclaiming DC is superior because of more VRAM. This is tell people not to tout the PS2\'s superior specs while ignoring negative ones.

Hmmm, 2 extra controller ports at no extra charge or buying a multi-tap??? Sounds like a clear cut winner to me. Are they giving away free controllers with every multi-tap???

Hoo boy, who needs experience now? DC dead? What have I been playing the past couple of weeks? What is this I keep hearing about new releases through next year? What am I, an electronic necrophiliac?

Namco and Square 2nd party??? That\'s news to me.

The point of mentioning Sega and Nintendo is to prove that either of these companies\' consoles could survive on 1st party support alone. A big advantage for them, whereas Sony would be in big trouble.

As for GC Mini DVD, I haven\'t been keeping up with it but last I heard, it was a great way to combat piracy and fix storage problems.

I\'m not debating who has more 3rd party support. Get it through your heads, please. I\'m merely mentioning how MS has a huge list of support so that is a positive for them.; not a negative for Sony.

Did I direct my post to you??? Did I claim you were touting the PS2 as God\'s gift to gaming? This was directed at the originator, who seems to think there is no competition.

All my points were to show the competition has positives, as well as advantages. Sony doesn\'t own the edge in every category.

My post was not biased in any way or anti-Sony. So let\'s not start any ridiculous flame wars.
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

Offline ElAsesino
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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2001, 02:29:00 PM »
N-Player, I don\'t understand you.

You worship Nintendo, and then you turn around and start worshipping Sony.  Do you switch roles just to fit in?  Are you like this in real life?

It\'s like you are dying for attention or something.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2001, 02:38:42 PM »
He he, well said ElAsesino
I\'ve asked myself that question for a long time myself

Offline jm
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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2001, 04:35:45 PM »
I gotta ask one question. Why is your topic (Nplayer) totaly refering to Nintendo? What makes Nintendo so special now then it was then? Forget SNES and NES, I\'m talking about N64 and now. All Nintendo has done is sit back, watch and copy. GameCube looks like a carbon copy of Sega/Sony/MS all in 1 and stuffed in some cheese. I don\'t find anything unique about Nintendo\'s new console other than

a) its shape is like a lunchbox pre-schoolers use
b) will bring its titles like mario, metroid to new levels
c) still port over whatever crap N64 had most likely.

Just my honest opinion and observation from the news I\'ve been hearing.

You think positive, I\'ll think realistic.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2001, 04:47:23 PM »
Originally posted by ElAsesino
N-Player, I don\'t understand you.

You worship Nintendo, and then you turn around and start worshipping Sony.  Do you switch roles just to fit in?  Are you like this in real life?

It\'s like you are dying for attention or something.

I would have to agree, which is why he gets the troll picture.

But seriously, you sit and trash the Xbox for the same thing the PS2 got trashed for. First generation games looking less then impressive and until this month, the PS2 had brought nothing to the table to show it was much more powerful then the DC.

 In my humble opinion, some people trash whatever is fashionable at the moment. Don\'t like MS? So trash the system, even though you haven\'t played it. See a picture, it has jaggies? Trash it, even though Ridge Racer V was jaggies hell also.

As for this massive 3rd party support.  That is great, if all those developers put excellent  games out or even half of them, but they won\'t. It happened with the PSone. A bunch of ****ty developers put out really medicore or even horrible games, because Sony has zero quality control.

I think its stupid, that someone needs a system to trash at all times. Just play the system you like and leave everyone else the hell alone. How simple can that be? If you don\'t like the Xbox, thats fine, but I\'m sure plenty of people will like it once it is released.

And for the HD note, MS was way smarter about it. They are including it in the package, so developers will support it without any hassle. Sony is going the "32x" way, where developers have to guess how many people bought it and if it is worth developing for. I\'m not saying the HD will fail (though, I do have my doubts about it), I\'m just saying while MS may of ripped off the idea of a HD (and maybe they didn\'t) they still did a better job implementing it.

Oh and you make fun of people being "Xbox fanboys" because they haven\'t played it, well there is no difference in trashing it without every being able to play it.

Offline ddaryl
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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2001, 04:48:05 PM »
Why do people hate the New York Yankees

Why do people hate the Dall-ass Cowboys

Lots of people choose to side with the underdogs

The masses love to see Goliath fall

The same goes with MS and XBox, even though they aren\'t top dog in the console business, they are still hated by many including Mr. Nplayer here

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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2001, 04:49:39 PM »
That\'s nice, by Konami nonetheless, after all, they are the BEST developer :rolleyes:

How DARE you insult Konami!!!!!!

Konami is GOD!!!!!!!!!

Gamecube\'s Mini DVD

Besides that fact that it helps to prevent piracy, this is not a plus for Big N.

Mini DVDs(from what I know) can hold alot less than regular DVDs=Not as detailed\\long games.
\"Where\'d I put that C4? uh oh...\"

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2001, 06:32:06 PM »
Originally posted by Solid Snake 88

How DARE you insult Konami!!!!!!

Konami is GOD!!!!!!!!!

Besides that fact that it helps to prevent piracy, this is not a plus for Big N.

Mini DVDs(from what I know) can hold alot less than regular DVDs=Not as detailed\\long games.

1: Correction, Capcom is the GOD of developers. ;)

2: The mini-disc isn\'t that big of a problem. With the texture compression ratio 10:1 (I believe), that will save ALOT of space and if more space is needed you can always use another disc. Not a big deal really.

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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2001, 06:39:55 PM »
Yeah I guess. I kinda overreacted.

P.S. Capcom, Squaresoft, Konami, Sierra, and Blizzard are the GODS of game development. :D
\"Where\'d I put that C4? uh oh...\"

Offline Black Samurai
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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2001, 11:08:04 PM »
Originally posted by jm
I gotta ask one question. Why is your topic (Nplayer) totaly refering to Nintendo? What makes Nintendo so special now then it was then? Forget SNES and NES, I\'m talking about N64 and now. All Nintendo has done is sit back, watch and copy. GameCube looks like a carbon copy of Sega/Sony/MS all in 1 and stuffed in some cheese. I don\'t find anything unique about Nintendo\'s new console other than

a) its shape is like a lunchbox pre-schoolers use
b) will bring its titles like mario, metroid to new levels
c) still port over whatever crap N64 had most likely.

I have got to say that you are one of the BIGGEST and MOST biased fanboys I have ever seen. At least other Nintendo haters bash Nintedno for a legitimate reason. You accuse Nplayer of having a Nintendo slant in his Topic.....WTF?!?! I\'m through, you just amaze me.

Originally posted by Unicron!
Weak people become followers to the once that seem the strongest.Not the once that might be fair or right.
Weakness does not permit people to have the risk of challenging more powerfull looking opponents.
They have the need to feel secure and the only way to feel this way is to become a follower to the strongest .COWARDNESS.

Are you one of those people Altered?Perhaps you are the one who is afraid?
Dont mess with psychologists.

ROFLMAO :laughing:
That was some real slick psychological talk there. Your Freudian insights amaze us all. :rolleyes:
That makes no sense. If that was true wouldn\'t he defend the PS2 because more people support it meaning it has a stronger user base. Everyone is trading in their Xbox before they even buy it. He is defending it so wouldn\'t that seem fair and right? Don\'t try to act like the PS2 is some morally right choice over the other consoles and that the only fair and right thing to do is support it; because that is basically what you are saying.

Don\'t mess with logical people.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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RE to Ashford adn Gohan.
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2001, 05:29:19 AM »
Ummmm, excuse me??? Don\'t you judge me by my number of posts. WTF does that prove? I started gaming X # of posts ago??? Or that I don\'t hang around the forums for 16 hours a day, adding a post every 45 seconds??? Gimme a break.

You have prooved me right that you dont visit the forums often.if you rarely visit the forums then how would you know as much as  other members?
So you are like a newbie.I am not mistakenly judjing you by your posts.
You wouldnt have posted some of the things you posted if you were a more regular visitor.
You gain more "experience" by visiting the forums often.
I dont post every 45 secs either.I registered in the summer and I ve got less posts than others that registered later.

4MB, 8MB, 32MB, who cares? This thread didn\'t start with me proclaiming DC is superior because of more VRAM. This is tell people not to tout the PS2\'s superior specs while ignoring negative ones

PS2\'s VRAM is streaming.So its not a major disadvandage.
And the thread was refering to why some people hate PS2 while it has so many to offer.There is no perfect console antways.Its not because of the VRAM they hate PS2,is it?

Hmmm, 2 extra controller ports at no extra charge or buying a multi-tap??? Sounds like a clear cut winner to me. Are they giving away free controllers with every multi-tap???

4 controllers arent neccessary.2 controlers are enough for most gamers.Read my post again.Why increase the cost production by puting 4 controller ports?
Will Nintendo and XBOX offer free controllers with their consoles?It is a disadvandage but again not big to refer it.

 Hoo boy, who needs experience now? DC dead? What have I been playing the past couple of weeks? What is this I keep hearing about new releases through next year? What am I, an electronic necrophiliac?

Namco and Square 2nd party??? That\'s news to me.

The point of mentioning Sega and Nintendo is to prove that either of these companies\' consoles could survive on 1st party support alone. A big advantage for them, whereas Sony would be in big trouble.

Ok It was my mistake to call DC  a dead console.I know that Sega is making games fro the DC still.Crazy Taxi2,House of the Dead3,Shenmue2 etc.Around 100 games in development I ve read.But my point is Sega have gone multiplatform.No longer a 1st party.
As for Nintendo,Nintendo wasnt a problem for PSX1 either. So why for PS2?
As long as Namco and Squaresoft work exclusively for PS2 can be characterized as 2nd Party.This could change though.But if PS2 has exclusive games from them even if they support other consoles PS2 will remain strong.
Dont forget that Sony has Psygnosis too.

As for GC Mini DVD, I haven\'t been keeping up with it but last I heard, it was a great way to combat piracy and fix storage problems.

It offers nothing new.Its mostly for piracy prodection.

Normal DVD\'s can hold more.

I\'m not debating who has more 3rd party support. Get it through your heads, please. I\'m merely mentioning how MS has a huge list of support so that is a positive for them.; not a negative for Sony.

What \'s your point then?It has nothing to do with the thread.Why did you refer XBOX?

Did I direct my post to you??? Did I claim you were touting the PS2 as God\'s gift to gaming? This was directed at the originator, who seems to think there is no competition.

OOPS:).That was a misunderstanding.Sorry.You cant distinguish if "you" is plural(refering to all PS2 fans) or singular(refering to N-player2).

All my points were to show the competition has positives, as well as advantages. Sony doesn\'t own the edge in every category.

Totally agree but it has nothing to do with this thread.

My post was not biased in any way or anti-Sony. So let\'s not start any ridiculous flame wars

I wasnt talking through anger.It is a civilised conversation.I wasnt trying to start a flame war or something.You post arent Biased or anti-Sony.I gree

That was some real slick psychological talk there. Your Freudian insights amaze us all.  
That makes no sense. If that was true wouldn\'t he defend the PS2 because more people support it meaning it has a stronger user base. Everyone is trading in their Xbox before they even buy it. He is defending it so wouldn\'t that seem fair and right? Don\'t try to act like the PS2 is some morally right choice over the other consoles and that the only fair and right thing to do is support it; because that is basically what you are saying.


Nope he wouldnt defend PS2 because of its userbase.He wouldnt have sounded the way he sounds if it was that the case.He beleives XBOX will kick PS2\'s ass.Why give attention to the userbase PS2 has if you are sure XBOX will kick PS2\'s ass anyways?

Everyone is trading in their Xbox before they even buy it

Thats something you give attention to.Not Altered.Has Altered talked about XBOX\'s negatives?Never.He only talks about how flawed PS2 is and how XBOX is better.
If your defending something you are trying to concvince people how good it is not how much better it is.

I dont call attacking a defending.


By Gohan

Don\'t try to act like the PS2 is some morally right choice over the other consoles and that the only fair and right thing to do is support it; because that is basically what you are saying.


By Me

Weak people become followers to the once that seem the strongest.Not the once that might be fair or right.

I wasnt refering to PS2 with right and fair. When you talk about psychology you dont talk about a specific subject(like PS2 or XBOX) but about peoples\' psychological  reactions in cases.
I ment how far people could reach in order to feel more secure in some cases.
I was talking about a general psychological phenomenon.

I never support a console by trying to cpnvince others  which console is wrong and which is right.
So if you find similar posts try to think what I was trying to mean as a general.

Dont mess with logical people

Now that I have prooved my post was logical read my signature too.

P.S:Not all things can be explained with logic.There is not a single completely logical person either.Everyone has a dose of illogic.:)

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Why do people hate PS2?..
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2001, 07:54:08 AM »
Nintendo will be a problem for Sony this time.

The 64 had so much going against it, and PSX had so much going for it.

The 64 had cartridge as it\'s medium.  Big mistake, they are expensive to make and can\'t compare to a CD.  ANd it was hard to program for.  THis turned off alot of third party developers.  The 64\'s main downfall.  But it still managed to sell 30 million consoles and multiple million sellers.  

GC has fixed everything.  The minidisc cost next to nothing to make, they hold alot of info, and the GC is easy to develope for.  

This round is on a much more even field.  Everyone has the same artillery, it just depends how they use it...


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