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Author Topic: x-box 3 times more powerful?  (Read 5782 times)

Offline MeTaL=DeaTh
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2001, 06:54:23 PM »
3. The PS2 is a Supercomputer according to EU, I wounder what x-box is? Mayby a Supersupercomputer.

if Xbox is "3" times more,that means its a SuperSuperSupercomputer..hehee :eyemouth:

Offline Living-In-Clip

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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2001, 01:12:44 AM »
Has it occured to anyone that for the most part it is just hype right now? MS has to give huge figures, otherwise no one cares. Sony did the same thing with the PS2, when they was trying to steal attenion away from Sega and the DC. It is a common buisness practice.

And even if the Xbox is 3x more powerful then the PS2, do you really expect to see games that show it in the first generation? Not a chance.
So, in my opinion, all you will see at E3 is slightly better looking games then the PS2 or games that equal the look of the PS2. Nothing that looks 3x better then the PS2.

Also, alot of that 3x stuff is CPU calucations, which would allow better AI, enviorment effects,etc. Once again, we won\'t see any games that take advantage of that until second / third generation. And even then, there is no set comparison, as we don\'t know exactly how powerful and useful Sony\'s EE chip can be in second/ third generation software.

In short: Its hype and even if it is more powerful, we won\'t be able to tell \'till at least second generation software.

Offline fastson
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2001, 03:44:46 AM »
Im looking forward to the Naughty Dog secret game!
They said before gamestock that it would be a Xbox killer.
Xbox killer in graphics that is.

Btw It wont be that hard beating the Xbox graphics. (just look at CES, Gamestock ect.)

:D :laughing: :D

EDIT: I agree with Living-In-Clip.

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Offline QuDDus
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2001, 05:50:36 AM »
Well I think we will see games that are much better than what we have seen on ps2 so far. Basicly I have not seen ps2 do anything that dc has not done. When you look at soul calibur, shenmue, grandia, Doa2, crazy taxi. I mean ps2 is not blowing away dc enterms of graphics not yet at least.  And even if xbox games look 3x better than ps2 games. Every xbox game won\'t because sometimes developers get lazy and they don\'t put as much detail into all their games. Examples of all 989 titles and games from ea that should have been stellar like knockout kings and nba live, and let us not forget those army men games and eternal ring. And I don\'t know what the hell tecmo was thinking with a game like unison. They better stick to fighting games.

So far we have not been given are revolution yet and xbox and nintendo are the only ons left.  Nobody has yet delivered to gamers what they promised(except sega because they did not promise or hype anything) I doubt xbox or gamecube will live up to all the hype ppl are putting on them. When you hype something up you always get let down. I guess thats why I was so pleased with my dreamcast because nothing was hyped and nothing was promise and dc manage to offer some great games.  Ps2 was hyped up to be something it is not and now xbox is following rite along suit.
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Offline VetteBoy
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« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2001, 06:16:02 AM »
I seriously doubt that it will be 3 times more powerful.  It will be more powerful but not 3X.  I can tell you one thing I do know for sure though...it will be 3 times bigger than the PS2.  :)
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Offline Black Samurai
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2001, 06:33:38 AM »
Originally posted by Bossieman

Originally posted by Kituka

Much more polygons + 64 MB of unified RAM + built-in 10GB HD + much better sound system + 4 controller ports + much longer cords for the controllers + better texturing + more nifty graphical techniques........and that\'s about it.

Does that make the X-BOX 3 times more powerful?
Its something here that is not right. [/B]

What is not right? The PS2 has much more polygons than the PSX, more RAM, it is going to get a HDD, It has a better controller, it has better texturing, and it has better graphical techniques. Does that not make the PS2 exponentialy more powerful? Your whole argument makes no sense. From the specs released by MS the Xbox is more powerful why is that so hard to understand.

Originally posted by XBOX

I doubt xbox or gamecube will live up to all the hype ppl are putting on them. When you hype something up you always get let down. I guess thats why I was so pleased with my dreamcast because nothing was hyped and nothing was promise and dc manage to offer some great games.


1- The GC has not been hyped in the least bit.


2- The DC was extremely hyped before launch. Just like the GC will be.
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Offline QuDDus
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2001, 06:45:51 AM »
Originally posted by Gohan

1- The GC has not been hyped in the least bit.
2- The DC was extremely hyped before launch. Just like the GC will be.


I doubt xbox or gamecube will live up to all the hype ppl are putting on them. When you hype something up you always get let down. I guess thats why I was so pleased with my dreamcast because nothing was hyped and nothing was promise and dc manage to offer some great games.

Excuse me sir but I believe I said all the hype ppl are putting on them. And not all the hype they generated themselves. And I don\'t remember  many ppl hyping sega up to be something it is not if so what why did not all those sega hypers buy dreamcasts?
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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Offline Black Samurai
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2001, 07:04:10 AM »
Originally posted by XBOX
Excuse me sir but I believe I said all the hype ppl are putting on them. And not all the hype they generated themselves. And I don\'t remember  many ppl hyping sega up to be something it is not if so what why did not all those sega hypers buy dreamcasts?

Who is putting hype on the GC? Some guys in a forum? A gaming website? That is ridiculous. How can you hype to people that already know games. When the casual gamer starts anticipating a console then it is hyped. The average consumer has no idea what a Gamecube is but damn near everyone knows about the Xbox.

BTW, I know I am not the only one who remembers those "9/9/99" commercials that were running in the US ALL summer. That my friend is hype. They were trying to build hype for their console by showing commercials on places such as MTV and ESPN. They even had a launch party that went in conjunction with MTV\'s VMAs. That is serious hype.
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Offline Bossieman
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2001, 11:10:02 AM »
so the x-box is not 3x more powerful?
I dont think MS just said: Hmmm the x-box is 3x more powerful.
Are they lying?
Or can you actually play 3 PS2 games on a tripple splitscreen on the x-box.
If you cant, the x-box cant be 3x more powerful, or am I wrong?

Offline datamage
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2001, 11:17:33 AM »
BTW, I know I am not the only one who remembers those "9/9/99" commercials that were running in the US ALL summer. That my friend is hype. They were trying to build hype for their console by showing commercials on places such as MTV and ESPN. They even had a launch party that went in conjunction with MTV\'s VMAs. That is serious hype.

Um that\'s called advertising and letting the public know your product exists. Sega did not hype the Dreamcast up one bit. Do your research. They didn\'t say it was 3x more powerful than this or that,.. or that it would be able to generate cg-type graphics or anything of the sort. Perhaps your definition of hype is different from everyone else\'s. I guess by your definition, Colgate, or Aqua Fresh is hyped cause I see all kinds of commercials from them.

- dm
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Offline Black Samurai
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2001, 01:56:36 PM »

DO NOT question my threads when you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Do you even know what "hype" means? Here is a definition straight from dictionary.com:


hype (hp) Slang

1. Excessive publicity and the ensuing commotion: the hype surrounding the murder trial.
2. Exaggerated or extravagant claims made especially in advertising or promotional material: “It is pure hype, a gigantic PR job” (Saturday Review).
3. An advertising or promotional ploy: “Some restaurant owners in town are cooking up a $75,000 hype to promote New York as ‘Restaurant City, U.S.A.’” (New York).
4. Something deliberately misleading; a deception: “ [He] says that there isn\'t any energy crisis at all, that it\'s all a hype, to maintain outrageous profits for the oil companies” (Joel Oppenheimer).

v. tr. hyped, hyp·ing, hypes.
To publicize or promote, especially by extravagant, inflated, or misleading claims: hyped the new book by sending its author on a promotional tour.

Now like I said, Sega did hype the DC before its launch.

BTW, Maybe you should do some research.
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Offline Heretic
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Getting back to the topic
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2001, 02:00:31 PM »
3x the power graphically is enough to say ‘pfffft\'. Need proof? How else would a Sega fan get the big brass ones to say they haven\'t seen anything on PS2 that bests what the DC can do, aside from wearing dark glasses all the time. The better graphics get, the more difficult it is to appreciate improvements. At 3x the PS2 it may take a graphics connoisseur to notice or care.

The power issue really gets muddled between the two when it comes to pushing all that pretty detail into action. My guess is PS2 will match Xbox move for move but as is so wisely and often repeated, lets just wait and see. Since we want to be fair, how  about waiting until E3 2003? Ahhhh, never mind...

Offline datamage
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2001, 02:35:54 PM »

DO NOT tell me what to do, as I will do as I please. Read your own damn post for your answer. Everything is hyped then. I just saw a commerical for Burger King, damn what hype. Chill the hell out before replying.

. Excessive publicity and the ensuing commotion: the hype surrounding the murder trial.
2. Exaggerated or extravagant claims made especially in advertising or promotional material: “It is pure hype, a gigantic PR job” (Saturday Review).
3. An advertising or promotional ploy: “Some restaurant owners in town are cooking up a $75,000 hype to promote New York as ‘Restaurant City, U.S.A.’” (New York).
4. Something deliberately misleading; a deception: “ [He] says that there isn\'t any energy crisis at all, that it\'s all a hype, to maintain outrageous profits for the oil companies” (Joel Oppenheimer).

v. tr. hyped, hyp·ing, hypes.
To publicize or promote, especially by extravagant, inflated, or misleading claims: hyped the new book by sending its author on a promotional tour.

If you read, I suppose we\'re both right. Sega did advertise their DC, but they did not make any extravagant or misleading claims. As I said, if we go by the first definition then 90% of everything in the world is hyped.

- dm
- what\'s in the f\'cking box?

Offline EThugg
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2001, 03:25:52 PM »
Originally posted by BizioEE

May you explain to me the sense of your questions?

Have you played MGSX?   NO!
Have you seen any screens of MGSX?
Do you know something about it?
Have you played Silent Hill X?...and Silent Hill 2?
...then how the Hell can you speak about inferior or superior versions of games???

I\'m playing MGS2 and I can say it has a Great Potential...so...what EThugg could say about X-Box Games?....The answer is :"NOTHING"...because he has seen nothing and he has played nothing!
So close your mouth and wait until E3!

Konami said SHX was going to be an enhanced SH2. What do you think the word enhanced means? They said extra features, and better graphics. IMO that makes it superior. No, I haven\'t played MGSX, but going by MS\'s statement about it being above and beyond MGS2, and what Konami is doing with SHX, it doesn\'t take rocket science to figure out that odds are it\'ll be a enhanced MGS2. Again, enhanced=better. Why is this a argument?
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x-box 3 times more powerful?
« Reply #29 on: April 06, 2001, 11:17:10 PM »
Originally posted by EThugg

Konami said SHX was going to be an enhanced SH2. What do you think the word enhanced means? They said extra features, and better graphics. IMO that makes it superior. No, I haven\'t played MGSX, but going by MS\'s statement about it being above and beyond MGS2, and what Konami is doing with SHX, it doesn\'t take rocket science to figure out that odds are it\'ll be a enhanced MGS2. Again, enhanced=better. Why is this a argument?

Have you read...Kojima Stabs the Xbox...?


...I was right..........

...but I think you\'re right on Silent Hill X...some more extra features...
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Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!


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