Has it occured to anyone that for the most part it is just hype right now? MS has to give huge figures, otherwise no one cares. Sony did the same thing with the PS2, when they was trying to steal attenion away from Sega and the DC. It is a common buisness practice.
And even if the Xbox is 3x more powerful then the PS2, do you really expect to see games that show it in the first generation? Not a chance.
So, in my opinion, all you will see at E3 is slightly better looking games then the PS2 or games that equal the look of the PS2. Nothing that looks 3x better then the PS2.
Also, alot of that 3x stuff is CPU calucations, which would allow better AI, enviorment effects,etc. Once again, we won\'t see any games that take advantage of that until second / third generation. And even then, there is no set comparison, as we don\'t know exactly how powerful and useful Sony\'s EE chip can be in second/ third generation software.
In short: Its hype and even if it is more powerful, we won\'t be able to tell \'till at least second generation software.