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Author Topic: Jaggies be gone!!!  (Read 7668 times)

Offline EThugg
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« Reply #60 on: April 29, 2001, 03:22:49 PM »
Originally posted by ddaryl

If you like flat textures representing buildingings in a city block then Project Gotham is your bag

I thought it looked so-so at best even with a higher car polygon model

NOTHING from XBox so far touches GT3.

Funny, these Gotham pics look pretty much exactly like GT3 to me... the only thing missing is some rain effects... then again, P:G hasn\'t had over 2 years of development time....

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« Reply #61 on: April 29, 2001, 03:41:14 PM »
GT3 looks better

look at those building in the 1st Gotham pic. I honestly don\'t like flat textures to represent entire buildings. Gotham needs to use more polygons there

The trees are crisper in Gotham, and its cars have a higher polygon models, but higher polygon cars don\'t do much to seperate itself from GT3 at all.

We know Xbox games aren\'t on final hardware but to date Gotham doesn\'t look as good as GT3.  

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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« Reply #62 on: April 29, 2001, 03:43:42 PM »
I agree, those shots of project gotham were done in less than 2 weeks. Yet it already is comming close to GT3 which took 2 years, and alot of sony\'s resources to develop it.

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« Reply #63 on: April 29, 2001, 03:46:12 PM »
Exactly, give P:G 2 years of development, and it\'ll look better than GT3 could hope to.
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« Reply #64 on: April 29, 2001, 04:50:11 PM »
Exactly, give P:G 2 years of development, and it\'ll look better than GT3 could hope to.

Stop assuming. You don\'t know if Bizzare can get to the quality of GT3. And you\'re on crack if you think Project Gotham looks like GT3.

Assumptions lead nowhere. I\'m not saying P:G won\'t get there, but don\'t assume that it will. We\'ll see how things are a while from now.

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Offline ddaryl
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« Reply #65 on: April 29, 2001, 07:49:23 PM »
Ok so now those Project Gotham shots are looking close and they\'re done in 2 weeks

Before you said  this

And Until I see the final GT3 personally, I\'ve only got the ****ty demo to go by, and internet pics. The internet pics dont blow away the better XB racers revealed so far, so I\'m not too impressed

""""The interent pictures don\'t blow away the better Xbox racers""""" (this is what you said)

Better racer. You mean Project Gotham is going to have better gameplay then the heavily researched  muti million dollar franchise, the  39/40 Famitsu rated, Ultimate ! racing Simulator.

Ethugg how does your shoe taste. Now you and Ogodlything  have to change the subject over to the ever lame

"It was done in 2 weeks" (my ass it was)

"Give them 2 years and  blah blah"

Thats not what you said in your quote so just accept the fact that you are wrong on this one.  At this juction GT3 is clearly superior by internet picture standards

Offline ho3j
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« Reply #66 on: April 29, 2001, 08:10:52 PM »
Originally posted by ddaryl

"It was done in 2 weeks" (my ass it was)

The recent GT3 movies (posted by Racer in the main forum)  are clearly superior to PG.  However, what is the "my ass it was" comments?  When shown at Gamestock, PG was 1 month old with two of those weeks with actual development kits.

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« Reply #67 on: April 29, 2001, 08:24:17 PM »
Originally posted by ho3j

The recent GT3 movies (posted by Racer in the main forum)  are clearly superior to PG.  However, what is the "my ass it was" comments?  When shown at Gamestock, PG was 1 month old with two of those weeks with actual development kits.

I still don\'t believe it even if they swear on a stack a bibles

No way all that was tossed together, and if it was why the hell did MS bother.

You mean they couldn\'t have found some devs who\'d been working for months on a project to show off instead of a slapped together project.

I\'m not buying it. If they used an already established engine then OK, but there is still alot of work in that established engine. Just because they can port code from a PC easier doesn\'t mean that shouldn\'t be counted as work towards the game.

Saying a group of people sat down in one month wrote all this code, designed cars, and tracks, and scenery just isn\'t likely

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« Reply #68 on: April 29, 2001, 09:01:33 PM »
Oh!!!  I see the problem here :)  No, it was absolutely not created from the ground up in a month.  It is MSR with a face-lift.  Just a very fast port.

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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« Reply #69 on: April 29, 2001, 10:17:38 PM »
Its good to be the King

LOL, Too bad your noooo.. KING

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« Reply #70 on: April 30, 2001, 12:40:04 AM »
I don`t believe what I hear.I believe what I SEE.
And I see that GT3 looks better and far more realistic.
All future games will have to grapple with GT3.And PG doesn`t stand a chance so far...admit it.

Offline QuDDus
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« Reply #71 on: April 30, 2001, 02:06:33 AM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing

That\'s what i was saying, it\'s not that i think PSX2 is crap, but when people post misinformation I must correct. Will the game look close, who knows, we will have to wait till they realese a downloadable video preview.

I never had clamed that I am technical wiz when it comes to PSX2 hardware, but what I do know, and which you also agree upon, is that the Psx2 cannot produce those pics in real-time.   This is what I was saying all along, and it doesn’t take a genius to know that PSX2 cannot create a game to match that pic Exactly.  Hey Ddaryl that\'s the best screenshot taken from any video game in history, Just look how damn sharp and detailed those building are.

Not at all, usually I would only come to these forums to read posts, I never really cared to reply, until I saw all the crap that was being posted here, like how XBOX will be $450, or how PSX2 software AA is better than XBOX, and also people who post incorrect facts about XBOX.
I could honestly care less if anyone here get XBOX or not, all I care is that I get one at launch. You never see me Creating threads saying, PSX2 sucks, or XBOX is better than PSX2. Nope, I just defend the XBOX Whenever I see bull**** posted about it. Take this thread for example,  BizioEE posts GETAWAY PICS saying psx2 doesn’t need AA, and using fake pics(yes they are fake, if they are not from the actual in game, them are not real, like the mock up amped photo\'s) to show off PSX2 power, what a joke. LOL, oh by the way why do people bltch about mocked up photo\'s , I don\'t see anyone complaining about the super enhanced GETAWAY pics that were released in the beginning, like the one just posted here.

Anyways, that\'s just my .02 cents

LOL WE will have to wait til ps3 before we see a game thats looks like that with a sony logo behind it. I mean top developers are making ps2 games come to life, but come on ps2 will never achieve this.

And if you believe that is will. I guess fanboism is more real than I ever thought.
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Offline Metal_Gear_Ray
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« Reply #72 on: April 30, 2001, 02:20:04 AM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing
I agree, those shots of project gotham were done in less than 2 weeks. Yet it already is comming close to GT3 which took 2 years, and alot of sony\'s resources to develop it.

Yes you are right, but I think that the courses look as they were ripped straight out of MRS, they look very similar (color layout is different though) . the car models are made out of 10.000 polys, but do the cars look better than GT3, HELL NO. Its not how many polys you use, its how you use them. The car models in PG look a bit distorted. I\'m not saying xbox is bad, I\'m just pointing out that xbox isn\'t the onhly console thhat can handle great graphics :)

and to ethugg

GT3 looks bad, you must be blind...it is the best looking (and playing :)) racing game to date! IMO
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Offline Dr Yassam
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« Reply #73 on: April 30, 2001, 03:17:51 AM »
Originally posted by macabre
I don`t believe what I hear.I believe what I SEE.
And I see that GT3 looks better and far more realistic.
All future games will have to grapple with GT3.And PG doesn`t stand a chance so far...admit it.

Well let\'s be fair here, GT3 has been in developement for how long now? 2 years?

Look at some of the early screen shots when the game was still called GT2000;


BTW, I\'m not flaming GT3 here since it looks absolutely awesome (I\'m looking forward to playing it :)), but PG is VERY early in it\'s developement, together with placeholder graphics and textures. Like GT2000/GT3, much will change between now and the game\'s launch, but IMO PG looks incredible for such early code. I do believe that PG will look far superior to GT3 when the game is complete, although whether or not it proves to be a better game remains to be seen.

Equally, upon launch, no driving game on any system will come close to matching the quality of GT3 on the PS2. However, once the XBox is released, that could all change. ;)

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« Reply #74 on: April 30, 2001, 03:44:34 AM »
This is a ingame shot of The Getaway!
The game is also in early development. (not like PG)

And yes, this is IN GAME!

Sofar Xbox hasnt impressed me at all!!

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