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Author Topic: Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?  (Read 3833 times)

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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2001, 08:45:46 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster
Thats [sic] what the uninformed, little knowing [sic] Gamer will think.  

And it\'s these uninformed, little-knowing gamers that have all the money to spend.


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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2001, 08:48:20 PM »
They probably make up around 20% of the console community though.
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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2001, 08:53:19 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster
They probably make up around 20% of the console community though.

It\'s enough, it\'s definately enough.

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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2001, 08:58:17 PM »
I can\'t believe I forgot about the NGC\'s $200 price tag.  That will be a huge factor this fall.  Not only is the NGC being released 3 days earlier, it will have a cheaper price and more familiar games on it.  The Xbox is going to have a very hard time competing for the casual gamers\' money. (By casual, I mean not hardcore.)
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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2001, 02:06:18 PM »
Originally posted by IronFist
I can\'t believe I forgot about the NGC\'s $200 price tag.  That will be a huge factor this fall.  Not only is the NGC being released 3 days earlier, it will have a cheaper price and more familiar games on it.  The Xbox is going to have a very hard time competing for the casual gamers\' money. (By casual, I mean not hardcore.)

Well that is your opinion. Since we don\'t know how many ppl want a gamecube right now. Or how many want an xbox. I mean ppl are picky and they change their mind very quickly. For all we know gamecube could not even sell this generation. I mean who is too say what will happen. Ps2 could sales could drop off and xbox and gamecube could totally dominate the market.
I mean there are endless possibilities when your speculating on something.

Originally posted bye IronFistI didn\'t say the Xbox launch games wouldn\'t be good, I said they "would not be good enough for me." One man\'s junkyard is another man\'s goldmine (or however that saying goes. ) If you think they are good, then go ahead and buy an Xbox. I respect your decision. I am not going to be getting one on launch day, though, because I don\'t think its worth it yet.

I respect your dicision on not getting an XboX because you have the right too. But what I don\'t understand is you say the xbox games at launch won\'t be good enough for you. But ps2 launch games where crap. The ps2 launch games where rushed and lacking gameplay. I just don\'t see how ps2 launch live up to your expectation and caused you to purchase one. Second umm how can something unseen not live up to your expectation? I just don\'t see how games you have not even played don\'t measure up to you. I mean that is called speculation.
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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2001, 02:22:06 PM »
The XBox will do pretty good when it comes out.   It might not be number one right away or if ever, but one thing that Microsoft has that Sony doesn\'t is money.  It can advertise this system like no one else could and attract more developers than Gamecube or Playstation 2.  I fully expect XBox to be a very big competitor this November.

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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #21 on: July 06, 2001, 02:50:20 PM »
The best purchase this year will definitely be the PS2.  No questions asked!

Hits like Jax and Dexter, FFX, MGS2, Silent Hill 2, Xenosaga, Wild arms 3, Legend of Lagaia, Soul Reaver 2, Jade Cocoon 2, GT3, Klonoa 2 will be the driving force of the system for this year and probably the year after that.  World domination is guaranteed for a brief moment.

Down the line foretells a different story.


GameCube will be a darkhorse and will only sell to a niche crowd.  It will be very similar to the DC, but it will definitely last a lot longer considering the "kiddie" market is a stronger drive than a "Sega fan" market.

Like the DC, the GC will have the best games out of the three consoles.


Xbox will be the runaway console leader down the line.  With the support, ease of developement, and advertising dollars, Microsoft will be the industry leader without question.  This will take place 2-3 years from now.

Outcome of this generation:

1.  Xbox
2.  PS2
3.  GC

*Passing on the magic ball to the next recipient*

Offline JediMaster
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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #22 on: July 06, 2001, 02:57:32 PM »
Originally posted by XBOX

Well that is your opinion. Since we don\'t know how many ppl want a gamecube right now. Or how many want an xbox. I mean ppl are picky and they change their mind very quickly. For all we know gamecube could not even sell this generation. I mean who is too say what will happen. Ps2 could sales could drop off and xbox and gamecube could totally dominate the market.
I mean there are endless possibilities when your speculating on something.

Speculation like what you said: "GameCube could not even sell this generation" I could go on about that. The younger generation will definitly try and get it and then the people who love Nintendos games will buy it. Even if it has no 3rd part support, people will buy it just for the 1st and 2nd party software. The XBox though... Its new.. Game will most likely have patches on it... they will change the gamming community, but they will probably try and shape it like the PC industry. I just say that the PS2 won\'t really sale that much better than it is right now at christmas because of the cube and XBox comming out, and those sales will go way high for either both the XBox and GC, or just the GC. It will take a lot of MS advertising to be successful at launch. But they can just buy success. They are paying developer costs for software 100% no strings attached. MS has too much money. My Cousin used to work for microsoft. He retired in 95 because Microsoft was becomming an ass and he had several million dollars so he left. Note: The Calculator on windows was made by him when he was 18 for microsoft. If you have windows 95 and click on help, about calculator. It puts his name up on there. The only reason he got credit was because he was not an empolyee for MS at the time. Also all the drag and drop, cut and paste, he did all that. Belive if you want or don\'t belive me I don\'t care, but its true.
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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2001, 03:08:48 PM »
The XBox will do pretty good when it comes out. It might not be number one right away or if ever, but one thing that Microsoft has that Sony doesn\'t is money.

Um...I take it you don\'t know who Sony is. Money isn\'t a factor for both of them since they both can spend a ridiculous amount and stil not care. Money has never been a problem for Sony.

It can advertise this system like no one else could and attract more developers than Gamecube or Playstation 2.

How the **** would you know that Microsoft can advertise their system better than both Nintendo and Sony? THEY HAVEN\'T RELEASED A SINGLE ADVERTISEMENT YET!

*takes crystal ball from Tshirts*

Sony will win. Nintendo will drop out and go into the laundry business and Microsoft will drop out because their systems keep blowing up. Hhhhhmmm.....

*throws crystal ball on the street*

I just wanna add one thing to this.

-No plans of going online as of right now. They are taking the wait-and-see approach to online gaming.

Actually, they do have online plans but they just haven\'t released them yet. Nintendo is more than ready to go online when ever they want but they said they\'ll only do it if they have the right killer game to start it all. Nintendo has been pushing the thought of online gaming since the SNES era,  the 64DD WAS capable of going on the internet. They were supposed to have a online game for it but it failed miserably so they couldn\'t do it.

Nintendo is no newbie when it comes to online gaming. You may think they\'re not ready but they truly are. In fact, didn\'t they reveal their BB adapter and 56K modem at last year\'s SpaceWorld(yes)? They had their accessories ready long before Sony did and before Microsoft fininshed their final hardware.

Believe it or not but PSOV2 for NGC which is scheduled for a Dec release might be the first online game for a console besides the DC...

There goes your con...

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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2001, 03:30:20 PM »
Originally posted by XBOX Rules
but one thing that Microsoft has that Sony doesn\'t is money.  

I think SONY owns a bank in Japan. :D I think they got the green. :D

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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2001, 04:37:11 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster

Speculation like what you said: "GameCube could not even sell this generation" I could go on about that. The younger generation will definitly try and get it and then the people who love Nintendos games will buy it. Even if it has no 3rd part support, people will buy it just for the 1st and 2nd party software. The XBox though... Its new.. Game will most likely have patches on it... they will change the gamming community, but they will probably try and shape it like the PC industry. I just say that the PS2 won\'t really sale that much better than it is right now at christmas because of the cube and XBox comming out, and those sales will go way high for either both the XBox and GC, or just the GC. It will take a lot of MS advertising to be successful at launch. But they can just buy success. They are paying developer costs for software 100% no strings attached. MS has too much money. My Cousin used to work for microsoft. He retired in 95 because Microsoft was becomming an ass and he had several million dollars so he left. Note: The Calculator on windows was made by him when he was 18 for microsoft. If you have windows 95 and click on help, about calculator. It puts his name up on there. The only reason he got credit was because he was not an empolyee for MS at the time. Also all the drag and drop, cut and paste, he did all that. Belive if you want or don\'t belive me I don\'t care, but its true.

I did not even bother to read all your post. Mainly because you started off baabling about something that has no meaning. When i said gamecube would not sell this generation. I said there are endless possibilities when you speculate. Because IronFist was speculating on xbox. And what I  meant bye that is you can say anything. When YOUR specuating.  All just forget it.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2001, 04:43:40 PM »
Nintendo just has too big of a hand in the younger kid buisness to ever fallout. And no one ever wants to help them so Nintendo makes their console for everyone. I\'m just saying that Nintendo to drop out would be like Tom Hanks going to work at McDonalds. Its not going to happen for that one reason.
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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2001, 04:46:01 PM »
Originally posted by Tshirts
The best purchase this year will definitely be the PS2.  No questions asked!

Hits like Jax and Dexter, FFX, MGS2, Silent Hill 2, Xenosaga, Wild arms 3, Legend of Lagaia, Soul Reaver 2, Jade Cocoon 2, GT3, Klonoa 2 will be the driving force of the system for this year and probably the year after that.  World domination is guaranteed for a brief moment.
*Passing on the magic ball to the next recipient*

First of that is all a matter of assumption. Because you cannot guarantee that all those titles will be good. I mean besides gt3 you can\'t flat out say all the rest are excellent games. Because they have yet to be proven.

I could come out and say luigi\'s Mansion will be the best game this year. Or I could say Munch,Halo, and Doa3 will all be the most excellent games to hit any console. You can\'t start speculating on games just because you think they will be good. If you can do that for ps2 hell I can do the same for xbox and gamecube.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2001, 05:16:39 PM »
Originally posted by Xbox:
But ps2 launch games where crap.

That is all your oppinion.  I think TTT, SSX, DOA2:HC, Timesplitters, and Madden 2001 were well worth the money I paid for the console.

And you keep on saying that what we are saying is just speculation.  That is the point of this thread.  Speculate all you want, and then in 5 months we\'ll see who was right. :)

Originally posted by XBOX Rules:
The XBox will do pretty good when it comes out. It might not be number one right away or if ever, but one thing that Microsoft has that Sony doesn\'t is money. It can advertise this system like no one else could and attract more developers than Gamecube or Playstation 2. I fully expect XBox to be a very big competitor this November.

Like others have said, Sony has just as much, if not more money than Microsoft.

Originally posted by Jumpman:
Actually, they do have online plans but they just haven\'t released them yet. Nintendo is more than ready to go online when ever they want but they said they\'ll only do it if they have the right killer game to start it all. Nintendo has been pushing the thought of online gaming since the SNES era, the 64DD WAS capable of going on the internet. They were supposed to have a online game for it but it failed miserably so they couldn\'t do it.

I read in an interview that Nintendo was going to wait and see how well online gaming was for the PS2 and the Xbox, and if it was successful, they would also join the fun.  But just ignore that until I find a link to it.  I\'m off to go search the vast world called the internet to try and find this one bit of info.  Wish me luck.  It might take a while.

Believe it or not but PSOV2 for NGC which is scheduled for a Dec release might be the first online game for a console besides the DC...

Even if this does happen, Nintendo won\'t be the first.  Sony is going online in October or November (I can\'t remember the month, sorry), so they will be first (besides Sega, of course.)
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Does the [Enter Console Here] have what it takes to compete this fall?
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2001, 05:28:44 PM »
I read in an interview that Nintendo was going to wait and see how well online gaming was for the PS2 and the Xbox, and if it was successful, they would also join the fun.

Well, I read that they won\'t go online without a major killer title so your wrong! j/k(bah I\'m an idiot)

Anyways, even if that is true, I don\'t see how playing the wait and see game is a con. What if online gaming for PS2 and Xbox bombs? Then Nintendo would be doing the smart thing and backing out before they make the same mistake.

Even if this does happen, Nintendo won\'t be the first. Sony is going online in October or November (I can\'t remember the month, sorry), so they will be first (besides Sega, of course.)

Really? I was unaware of this. I thought PS2\'s first online game was going to be released this spring. What games for it are going to be online?


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