i am split on this issue,
i have questioned my religion numerous times, and even though i have been thinking about just what bossieman has said, and yet i still believe in a god.
i believe somthing had to have started this all, somthing had to have been there way back before the universe
theni also question life; is there an afterlife? or is it all just a way of keeping the masses in check?
i have a challenge for you, bossieman, if you believe there is not an afterlife, what would it be like ? nothingness? no memory of anything ever happening in your life.. its so hard to explain how it would be like, it would just be nothing.
now thats depressing aint it?
now religion has a future, a "life after death".
and that keeps peoples minds happy, whether it is true or not, you always know that there is a life after death and then you dont have to waste time thinking about it..
i believe in a god, but i also believe that religion is not the way that all things are. science proves some things, and is very interesting. i believe that many religions have truth to them, but i think that if you live a nice and good life, you will go to heaven no matter what religion you are.
i hope there is an afterlife, but people like bossieman dont think there is, so that must be really boring, believing that your whole life will be gone to waste, bio-degraded in a wooden box.with no hope for the future..
i perfer to believe in a god, what can it hurt? nothing, then, when you die, if ther is a god, you will know and if you believed in a god, you will be thankful. if there isnt a god, then there would be no afterlife, and everything would end for you. all the thoughts you ever had, your concious would be gone.
i have a couple quick things that you have to explain to me bossieman,
why is it that some saints and nuns have not bio-degraded at all, and still look like they are sleeping after 100+ years of sitting in a coffin.. its true, it is happening, now tell me why it is happening,
and also, what caused the "big Bang"? (if that was how the universe actually started)
ill be waiting.....for your awnser...