Nintendo would of won, duh?
The Saturn was just too much of a ***** to develop for. Young and new developers would of had an extremely hard time developing for the system, most of them would of choose the N64 instead. Plus, it costs 399, 100$ more than the N64 did. That\'s simply a ridiculous amount of money for a game system.
And didn\'t the Saturn have online capabilities? That was a dumb move. People wern\'t ready for it then and I still don\'t think they\'re ready for it now.
At that time, people didn\'t trust Sega because of the 32X and SegaCD. They were still uncertain.
Also, does anyone remember how many games got cancelled for the N64 early on? A LOT of them went to PSX instead.
In America, I think the Saturn would be getting annhilated in 97-98, N64\'s best years IMO. Games like Mario Kart, Star Fox, Goldeneye, and Zelda:OOT, and possibly FF7 would of been too much for Saturn. Star Fox sold around 3 million, Mario Kart and Zelda, sold 9 million, and Goldeneye sold 7 million(I\'m positive about all of these numbers). The American public didn\'t accept the Saturn at it\'s launch, and it probably wouldn\'t of accepted it later on.
But in Japan it was the other way around. If I remember correctly then Saturn was doing great in Japan. But I remember that the N64 has an extremely successful launch, and with PSX gone then they might of had a fairly large piece of the market in Japan. Tho Saturn would of still been doing better.
My final assumption- N64 would of destroyed Saturn in America, but Saturn would of owned Japan. However, N64 would of sold more units world-wide and would of been the clear winner.