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Author Topic: Casual gamers do know games(I kind of took this from reading Weltalls post)  (Read 3400 times)

Offline QuDDus
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We weltall got me thinking about casual gamers in his last post so I think that ppl are to nieve when it comes to calling ppl casual gamers. I think the use of types of gamers is dead. We are all just casual gamers. Just that some of us think we know more than we do.

I would not  say casual gamers get a playsation because there friends got it. I mean it\'s 2001 ppl no all about games now. They may not goto chatrooms and read reviews on sites as much, but they no good games. If it is word of mouth or reading it in books. I mean look how many ppl flocked to ps2  95% of them where  casual gamers as you would call  
them. I don\'t think that gamers are as nieve as ppl think. Like they only get a system because there friends have it. I mean you have to think the game is fun or you like certain types of games to buy a system. I bought psx based on games I never even heard of before. It was 299.99 but I know I wanted it because I thought the games look nice. I think when comes down to it. PPl look at names  but it\'s all about how good the games look and play. I would say the more so called "inside gamers" would look at names first. Most ppl just see a great looking games. If a game is playing in a mall hudreds of ppl will be gathered around looking at it saying how sweet it is and not even the name. Only the hardcore systems fans will worrie about the names. Because a good game is a good game no matter what . I just don\'t believe that as far as gaming has come that names are the biggest things. A good game is a good no matter if it has mario, malice, or crash too it. Ppl are going to look at the game and see how good it is and how fun its and if it appeals to them. I think that a lof of you are starting to characterize ppl as being yourselves.
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Offline AlteredBeast
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when you have 19 systems and 2 arcade machines in your room and call yourself casual still, I will talk to you some more. Until then, I know just a tad* more than you.

Eric Jacob

*by tad, I mean "much"
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The problem with the entire Casual Gamer vs. Hardcore Gamer or whole level of gamer idea is How do you define Hardcore or casual? Is Hardcore buying 25 different systems and games for each one and playing them equally? Or is it buying one system and purchasing 100s of games for the system?  

It\'s believed that "casual" gamers are whom the console makers are shooting for.  If that\'s the case then Casual gamers are the Main problem w/ video games today.  It\'s assumed that Hardcore Gamers appreciate games and gaming far more than \'casuals\'.  That \'casuals\' won\'t buy new games unless they are bombarded with cinematic ads and catchy slogans as well as FMV screen videos and promises of better graphics, and what not. Essentially, the idea is that casuals will "STOP Playing" by choice.  That casuals will get bored w/ games.  I think that should be the Only Definition for Hardcore and Casual.  Casual gamers are those who Would STOP gaming, ever by choice at any time for any reason.  Hardcore Gamers will play and seek to play anything and almost everything (with a certain level of quality)
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Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by AlteredBeast
when you have 19 systems and 2 arcade machines in your room and call yourself casual still, I will talk to you some more. Until then, I know just a tad* more than you.
Eric Jacob

*by tad, I mean "much"

That does not mean ****:mad:  That is what I am talking about I have been playing games my entire life I had ever system I have every wanted. It is ppl like you that think they know something when they are just as dumb as the rest of us. The hole hard-core gaming thing is dead. With talk like that you remind me of a pimp trying to relive his days in the 70\'s

P.S AND NO AlteredBeast I am not trying to degrade you in anyway I just upset bye what you posted. I just don\'t see how you think that makes you better in terms of gaming. When I have been playing games just as longs as you.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

Offline AlteredBeast
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By the sound of it, you have been playing games longer than me.

But in other threads, you also write off other systems that weren\'t popular as crap and refuse to acknowledge anything good them. That is sad. I dont say any systems sucked, per se, just that I have more fun on some over the others. Event he Virtual Boy, I had mild fun on that with a few of my games, and a few of my others were complete crap.

I have already been in a topic of what a definition of hardcore is.

hardcore is playing games. And I mean PLAYING them.
hardcore is having videogame clothing.
hardcore is having videogame posters
hardcore is (in many cases) visiting message boards for information and news!

One look at my room you would say I am
b)a videogame fanatic
c) a collector

I\'ll choose b (and c)

Eric Jacob
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The casual public doesn\'t know a damn thing about techincal things or what system can push more polygons. They know what they see. If game (A) looks better on one system then it does on the other, then they\'ll buy that system. Its that simple.

The casual gamer doesn\'t know a damn thing about what developers invest or oringial ideas. They know about franchises and brand names.

Its that simple.

Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by AlteredBeast
By the sound of it, you have been playing games longer than me.

But in other threads, you also write off other systems that weren\'t popular as crap and refuse to acknowledge anything good them. That is sad. I dont say any systems sucked, per se, just that I have more fun on some over the others. Event he Virtual Boy, I had mild fun on that with a few of my games, and a few of my others were complete crap.

I have already been in a topic of what a definition of hardcore is.

hardcore is playing games. And I mean PLAYING them.
hardcore is having videogame clothing.
hardcore is having videogame posters
hardcore is (in many cases) visiting message boards for information and news!

One look at my room you would say I am
b)a videogame fanatic
c) a collector

I\'ll choose b (and c)

Eric Jacob

I know I may come of as hating saturn and sega cd. I just think that the sega architecture had flaws in it. And I think the saturn was strickly built for 2d gaming. I know you make thinks it\'s sad but I don\'t even achnowledge the sega cd as beeing anything. The only game I only had one game for it. Sonic cd and compared to all the other sonics It didn\'t meassure  up.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

Offline AlteredBeast
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put down the peyote!

Sonic CD was better than every Side-scrolling Sonic before it.

It was longer, had Mode 7 \'3D\' bonus stages, redbook audio, time travel (neato!).

It was much better, I don\'t know if it is your hatred for SegaCD that causes that opinion, but you are wrong, sorry to say it.

Eric Jacob
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Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by AlteredBeast
put down the peyote!

Sonic CD was better than every Side-scrolling Sonic before it.

It was longer, had Mode 7 \'3D\' bonus stages, redbook audio, time travel (neato!).

It was much better, I don\'t know if it is your hatred for SegaCD that causes that opinion, but you are wrong, sorry to say it.

Eric Jacob

:laughing: :laughing: I see your going to beat sega is good into me no matter what I say. Ok I will stop now.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

Offline AlteredBeast
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Hey, don\'t worry bout it, I have been arguing these points for years. It would have to take a more experienced non-Sega fan to jilt my opinions, or keep me from educating.


Eric Jacob
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Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by AlteredBeast
Hey, don\'t worry bout it, I have been arguing these points for years. It would have to take a more experienced non-Sega fan to jilt my opinions, or keep me from educating.


Eric Jacob

No sweat. When a man has that much passion for a system I know when to stop:laughing: Even though I feel that I proved what I said even if you didn\'t listen to me:confused: But don\'t let me fool you if I find something else wrong with saturn I\'ll let you know:D
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

Offline Ryu
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We are all casual gamers?  I beg to differ.  The people who knew the Dreamcast was a good system bought it.  The people who knew the Saturn was going to be a good system, despite all the falacies of the 32X and the SegaCD, bought it.  These people are not hardcore gamers, but the ones who believe that buying a system for great games is what gaming is all about are the hardcore gamer.  Put simply, a hardcore gamer is one who is unaffected by hype created by outside sources, one who can formulate opinions on games by playing them themselves, and one who is willing to go the extra mile to get those great games.

Who is not a hardcore gamer and who is a casual gamer?  A casual gamer is someone who chooses to deny themselves certain excellent games on a specific system because they prefer what they already have.  A casual gamer thinks Hype and Great games go hand-in-hand (Bouncer).  Casual gamers differ from hardcore gamers because they are unwilling to go that extra mile for that great game on system C that has already failed in the eyes of the mainstream.  A casual gamer uses graphics as a means of buying certain games rather then just how great they are or may seem.

To be a hardcore gamer, you don\'t have to be knowledgeable about everything in the business or know how many poly\'s system A can push more then system B.  A hardcore gamer is someone who sees good games for good systems and buys\\rents\\borrows them accordingly at any cost.

You can agree or disagree with me on this one, but the best example that LiC gave was how people would buy system A over system B because game F looked "better."  Who cares how it plays right?  Sure thing.  You don\'t have to own every single console ever made to be hardcore, but you do have to have that want and that drive to play all the great games out there at least once in your life.  I pity the mainstream gamers who avoided playing the DC because the Saturn failed.  May the Gaming-Gods have mercy on your souls.
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Offline QuDDus
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Originally posted by Ryu
We are all casual gamers?  I beg to differ.  The people who knew the Dreamcast was a good system bought it.  The people who knew the Saturn was going to be a good system, despite all the falacies of the 32X and the SegaCD, bought it.  These people are not hardcore gamers, but the ones who believe that buying a system for great games is what gaming is all about are the hardcore gamer.  Put simply, a hardcore gamer is one who is unaffected by hype created by outside sources, one who can formulate opinions on games by playing them themselves, and one who is willing to go the extra mile to get those great games.

Who is not a hardcore gamer and who is a casual gamer?  A casual gamer is someone who chooses to deny themselves certain excellent games on a specific system because they prefer what they already have.  A casual gamer thinks Hype and Great games go hand-in-hand (Bouncer).  Casual gamers differ from hardcore gamers because they are unwilling to go that extra mile for that great game on system C that has already failed in the eyes of the mainstream.  A casual gamer uses graphics as a means of buying certain games rather then just how great they are or may seem.

To be a hardcore gamer, you don\'t have to be knowledgeable about everything in the business or know how many poly\'s system A can push more then system B.  A hardcore gamer is someone who sees good games for good systems and buys\\rents\\borrows them accordingly at any cost.

You can agree or disagree with me on this one, but the best example that LiC gave was how people would buy system A over system B because game F looked "better."  Who cares how it plays right?  Sure thing.  You don\'t have to own every single console ever made to be hardcore, but you do have to have that want and that drive to play all the great games out there at least once in your life.  I pity the mainstream gamers who avoided playing the DC because the Saturn failed.  May the Gaming-Gods have mercy on your souls.

Ok what if the games on a system don\' t appeal to you? And everyone else thinks they are good. So everyone else is hardcore and your not? I think this whole hardcore, casual thing is two-sided.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

Offline AlteredBeast
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ALL of the games on Saturn or Dreamcast don\'t appeal to you?

We don\'t call that being casual or non-hardcore, we call that fanboyism. The fact is, if you can\'t find games you like on ANY system, then you are

a)casual (not trying)
b)a fanboy against that company
c)not worthy to play that console.

Eric Jacob
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Offline Ryu
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Ok what if the games on a system don\' t appeal to you? And everyone else thinks they are good. So everyone else is hardcore and your not? I think this whole hardcore, casual thing is two-sided.

Even if it\'s just 1 game or a million games on a system that interest you, you need to have that drive to play them or own them yourself.  I\'m positive that with every console system released, there is at least 5 games for it that you would be very interested in.  It doesn\'t have to be a generally liked game either, but as long as you like it, then the system is worth having.  You brush the Saturn off as a 2D machine and claim that "casual gamers" bought the PS2.  How the hell would you know that?  You only got one game for the Saturn in its whole life span, I\'m betting you played no more then 10 games for it and you think that based on hype alone and it\'s 299 price tag, the PS2 sold well to the "casual gamers."  I beg to differ sonny boy, but most casual gamers don\'t want to spend 299 on ANYTHING.  They want the cheapest meat on the block and that\'s fact.  Did you know that the PSOne\'s sales were it\'s greatest at the 149 and 99 price range?  It\'s the same with the N64 as well.

Casual gamers want pretty games at a cheap price, no matter what that does to the gameplay.  Go ahead and play Legend of Dragoon and see just how many copies that game sold.  Go ahead and play FFTactics and see how many copies that game sold in comparison.  It just goes to show that casual gamers want price, commercials, hype, and graphics moreso then anything else for any system.  Hardcore gamers could give two craps about graphics or hype so long as the damn thing was fun.  "Hey, I\'m EA and here\'s Madden2k2, an obviously inferior game to VC\'s NFL2k2.  But since I have more commercials and am made by EA with the Madden franchise name in it, I will always sell more no matter what system I am on.  I love my commercials."

I rest my case.
Don\'t you ever touch my cape.


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