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Author Topic: Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!  (Read 4429 times)

Offline Chrono
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This segment taken from the Insider Q&A:

IGN Xbox: What advantage has the Xbox given you that no other console has given you?

Itagaki: The contents of DoA 3 could only be accomplished by the power of the Xbox. This isn\'t the reason for the exclusivity, but the Xbox has the power to achieve Dead or Alive 3. DoA 2 had taken advantage of the full power of the PS2. When you see other fighting games launched for the PS2, you\'ll understand the quality. After DoA 2, we had to create a truly new version, DoA 3, and we needed that kind of power. And that\'s the only reason.

Ok, now WTF is going on here?
Tecmo is now, IMO, without a doubt being paid by MS, and is now a MS puppet. I at first thought that They went to the xbox in an effort to stay away from the ps2 heat and fighting competition.. but now that they have said a flat out LIE ..

I have never seen such lie uttered from a 3rd party before. If they want to develop for the xbox, fine. But don\'t go around SPREADING LIES.. that’s very low, I lost all respect for this company.  This is why I don\'t want MS in the industry, and anybody that does should not be a gamer.

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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2001, 10:01:17 PM »
LOL! What a ****y ****ing moron. MS must be bribing them, it\'s one of the two logical explainations.

The other being Temco is just too damn ****y and stupid. They said the EXACT same with DOA2 for DC even though there were better looking games. Yeah, like they\'re the masters of all hardwares...:rolleyes:

Newsflash Temco, Tekken Tag looked better than DOA2, morons.

Either way, that statement was completely untrue and shows the stupidity of Temco.

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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2001, 10:18:28 PM »
That\'s just PR BS. Shows how much descency there is in buisness. Damn ass-suckers. :rolleyes:

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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2001, 10:19:45 PM »
yea i dont know about the bribe part but they are defintely on something

i mean damn what is up with that statement - and then they say it like DOA2 is better then tekken 4 even - maybe they had a little too much saki or something
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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2001, 11:25:28 PM »
Is DOA2 taking advantage of all the power of PS2?  Probably not, but we won\'t know until a better looking fighting game comes out for it.  I didn\'t believe Team Ninja when they said that about DC, but now that the game has been out for a year and it is still one of the systems best looking games I\'m starting to believe them.  They obviously have some talented programmers, just look how great DOA3 looks in such a small amount of time.

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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2001, 11:46:29 PM »
Yeah I\'ve read that before... LOL! :)
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

TTT used aprox 5% DoA2 with 3D backgrounds could use about 10% or so.. (Im just guessing about DoA2 numbers.. Those TTT numbers are true..)  :nerd:
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Offline BizioEE

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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2001, 11:52:39 PM »
Well...DOA3(complete version) can be done on PS2 and GC with a drop in details...while the same kind of graphics?...well...NOPE!



and it\'s not what X-Box can really do...I think it\'s still in Alpha...

I won\'t comment on Tecmo\'s statement...but there\'s something that people seem to not accept...the X-Box outclasses both PS2 and GC in each area and such a comment doesn\'t upset me...apart from DOA2 using the full power of PS2!
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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2001, 12:16:49 AM »

BUT ANYWAYS DOA2 IS THE BEST LOOKING FIGHTER ON PS2 SO FAR. DIDN\'T KONAMI SAY THEY USED UP ALL THE PS2 POWER...Is this not the third or fourth time some developer has said they have tapped all the ps2 power:nerd:  I am not saying if this statement is true or not it is kind of weird that developers keep saying this..
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Re: Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2001, 12:22:04 AM »
Originally posted by Chrono
Ready for this?
I bet not

This segment taken from the Insider Q&A:

IGN Xbox: What advantage has the Xbox given you that no other console has given you?

Itagaki: The contents of DoA 3 could only be accomplished by the power of the Xbox. This isn\'t the reason for the exclusivity, but the Xbox has the power to achieve Dead or Alive 3. DoA 2 had taken advantage of the full power of the PS2. When you see other fighting games launched for the PS2, you\'ll understand the quality. After DoA 2, we had to create a truly new version, DoA 3, and we needed that kind of power. And that\'s the only reason.

Ok, now WTF is going on here?
Tecmo is now, IMO, without a doubt being paid by MS, and is now a MS puppet. I at first thought that They went to the xbox in an effort to stay away from the ps2 heat and fighting competition.. but now that they have said a flat out LIE ..

I have never seen such lie uttered from a 3rd party before. If they want to develop for the xbox, fine. But don\'t go around SPREADING LIES.. that’s very low, I lost all respect for this company.  This is why I don\'t want MS in the industry, and anybody that does should not be a gamer.

Chrono I can understand that you believe what Tecmo said was a lie, and I can even understand your feelings that you don\'t want MS in the  console business but your statement that suggests that anyone who happens to have an entirely different opinion than yours shouldn\'t be a gamer is a little elitist, don\'t you think?

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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2001, 12:42:03 AM »
I have never seen such lie uttered from a 3rd party before. If they want to develop for the xbox, fine. But don\'t go around SPREADING LIES.. that’s very low, I lost all respect for this company. This is why I don\'t want MS in the industry, and anybody that does should not be a gamer.

Team Ninja said the same thing about DC, DOA2 maxing it out, so does that mean that they were being payed by Sony to say that since they were making DOA2 for PS2 at the time?

Sony lied about the power of PS2, so does that mean they shouldn\'t be in the industry.  Same with Nintendo, they lied about the power of the N64.  Sony and Nintendo have a history of bullying other companies, Sony with retailers and Nintendo with publishers.

Offline SuupaBuu
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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2001, 06:19:11 AM »
TTT looks 2x better than DOA2, tecmo must be talking out of their ass.

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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2001, 06:32:32 AM »
Originally posted by inteq
Is DOA2 taking advantage of all the power of PS2?  Probably not, but we won\'t know until a better looking fighting game comes out for it.

No matter how talented Tecmo is, it\'s impossible for them to know whether future dev\'s will surpass DOA2, which was completed so early in the PS2\'s life cycle.


I didn\'t believe Team Ninja when they said that about DC, but now that the game has been out for a year and it is still one of the systems best looking games I\'m starting to believe them.  

That\'s probably because not many games were released this past year for the DC.

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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2001, 08:37:57 AM »
Originally posted by SuupaBuu
TTT looks 2x better than DOA2, tecmo must be talking out of their ass.

I wouldn\'t go that far.  DOA2:HC was a beautiful game, and was easily on the same level as TTT graphically.

This statement by Tecmo is so stupid.  Does DOA2:HC even compare with GT3 or MGS2 Demo?  Does it compare with what we\'ve seen of Baldur\'s Gate or Devil May Cry?  I agree with you Chrono.  Tecmo is a c ocky group of people who think they are video game hardware gods.  I wonder what they\'ll do in a couple years when the PS2 is blowing anything they make on the Xbox out of the water (IMO.  Don\'t bother commenting on that last sentence, because it is just my oppinion :))
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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2001, 09:16:23 AM »
Originally posted by QuDDus

I rember about a month ago, they had a poll up on the  Ninja Gaiden website. The poll was on where the Next Ninja Gaiden should go


There was something like 13,000 voters if I remember right.

That was the poll numbers for awhile back, I\'ll go check them back out again.

2nd Part:

Well I went back and checked, the poll wasn\'t there anymore. But these are the numbers as of July 9th 2001

PlayStation 2 (10460) 22%
GameCube (28421) 60%
X-box (5670) 12%
Game Boy Advance (2311) 4%
Total: 46862 votes

Seems I put the DC in the GBA slot, oh well.
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Ok, Tecmo has gone too far, you won\'t believe what they said!
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2001, 09:58:26 AM »
Is DOA2 taking advantage of all the power of PS2? Probably not, but we won\'t know until a better looking fighting game comes out for it.

Tekken 4 and Virtua Fighter 4.  \'Nuff said.  Tecmo is just full of themselves right now thanks to multiple XB fans using DOA3 as major cannon fodder for the graphics arguement.  DOA is one of the most mediocre fighting franchises to date in terms of gameplay.  What has the game had going for it besides graphics?  Has it ever sold as much as Tekken or VF?  Never.  However, since it is critically acclaimed for graphics, it has suddenly become a AAA title in people\'s minds, that is just not the case and I can\'t understand why people think differently.  Hey, prove me wrong though, I\'m open for a debate.
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