I think Sega did a great job with PSO, connecting all users, worldwide, free access for v1, communication between foreign languages, and 56K access.
Even though they charged $5 for v2, its no big deal, considering you can bring as many characters online, as you want.
And don\'t let the fee scare you. It may say $5 a month but because of the exchange rates, I locked in for 3 months and my bill only came out to $9.12. Thats $3.04 a month. If you can\'t afford that, you shouldn\'t be in this hobby.
$10 per character for FF XI??? I think Square shot themselves in the foot.
No biggie for them. All they have to do is release a traditional FF and make it all back and more.
Even if they took the worst of the series and updated the graphics.